Dialga is Pokemon GO's master of time and a part of the Sinnoh region's trio of creators. It is an impressive Steel/Dragon-type Legendary Pokemon who has appeared in the game as a raid boss.
As a raid boss, Dialga can be a tough customer, much like its counterparts Palkia and Giratina. Having only two elemental weaknesses, trainers will need a battle party stocked up with Fighting and Ground-type moves in order to deal super-effective damage to this boss consistently.
Due to Dialga's highly uncommon type combination, it doesn't have the typical weaknesses of either a Steel-type or Dragon-type Pokemon. Fortunately, Pokemon GO's nature always allows for any Pokemon to have powerful counters, and Dialga is no different.
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Pokemon GO: Top counters to beat Dialga

When it comes to countering Dialga in Pokemon GO, there are still plenty of options in terms of both Pokemon and moves. Even with only two type weaknesses, there are many Pokemon and moves that can deal extra damage to take out this raid boss.
Unfortunately, players that aren't stocked up on Pokemon that use Fighting or Ground-type moves will likely be dealing damage that Dialga is resistant to. Its steel dragon body is nothing to scoff at.
Listed below are Pokemon choices that perform exceptionally against Dialga in Pokemon GO:
- Lucario
- Conkledurr
- Groudon
- Excadrill
- Therian Landorus
- Mega Lopunny
- Landorus
- Rhyperior
- Machamp
- Hariyama
- Mega Gengar (while not a direct counter, Mega Gengar has massive attack stats, and it can learn Fighting-type moves while knowing Ghost-type moves that Dialga has no resistance against.)
- Breloom
- Garchomp (watch out for any Dragon-type moves Dialga might have, as they can deal super-effective damage to this Pokemon.)
- Blaziken
- Krookodile
- Donphan
- Mamoswine
- Sirfetch'd
- Haxorus (like Garchomp, watch out for Dragon-type moves.)
- Heracross
- Toxicroak
- Emboar
- Golurk
- Golem
- Sawk
- Mega Ampharos (can learn Focus Blast and has exceptional attack stats)
- Swampert
- Chesnaught
- Alakazam (can learn Fighting-type moves)
This list of Pokemon isn't complete, but it's a great place to start for trainers looking to get a leg up on Dialga.
Given below is a list of great Pokemon GO moves to use against this raid boss Pokemon:
Fast moves
- Counter (Fighting-type)
- Mud Shot (Ground-type)
- Mud-Slap (Ground-type)
- Low Kick (Fighting-type)
Charge moves
- Aura Sphere (Fighting-type) (Lucario only)
- Dynamic Punch (Fighting-type)
- Earthquake (Ground-type)
- Superpower (Fighting-type)
- Earth Power (Ground-type)
- Focus Blast (Fighting-type)
- Close Combat (Fighting-type)
Read More: The best moveset for Magcargo in Pokemon GO
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