While it hasn't appeared as a Pokemon GO Raid Boss since the Trading Card Game Crossover event, Dragonite may yet appear in the same capacity in the future. The powerful Dragon/Flying-type Pokemon is a formidable foe but is just as helpful for one's own battle team.
If Dragonite does return to the raid rotation in the future, there's no doubt that many Pokemon GO trainers will want to prepare themselves to take on this pseudo-legendary.
Defeating Dragonite as a Raid Boss saves the hassle of evolving a Dratini and Dragonair. Many captured Raid Bosses have quality IV stats, making them great for powering up and using in battle. Dragonite features an excellent selection of learnable moves, making it a valuable asset for anyone's team in Pokemon GO.
Note: This article reflects the opinions of the writer
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Dragonite has 4 total elemental weaknesses in Pokemon GO

In the mainline Pokemon series and Pokemon GO, Dragonite is a Dragon/Flying-type Pokemon with four total elemental weaknesses.
Hitting the Dragon Pokemon with Ice, Fairy, Rock, and Dragon-type attacks will deal super effective damage to it. However, if trainers utilize Ice-type moves, they'll deal doubly super effective damage. This is because both of Dragonite's elemental types are weak to Ice-type moves.
If trainers don't have Ice-types that are particularly capable in battle, they shouldn't worry. Employing Rock, Fairy, and Dragon-type Pokemon is still perfectly viable.
However, using Dragon-type Pokemon can be a dangerous proposition. If Dragonite's moveset also includes Dragon-type moves, they'll be super effective against players' Pokemon.
Be that as it may, there are more than enough moves and Pocket Monsters that can assist a group of trainers in beating Dragonite quickly, yielding them maximum rewards.
Top Pokemon counters for Dragonite
- Galarian Darmanitan
- Mamoswine
- Weavile
- Glaceon
- Jynx
- Avalugg
- Aurorus
- Vanilluxe
- Kyurem
- Articuno
- Beartic
- Porygon-Z (with Blizzard)
- Mr. Rime
- Piloswine
- Walrein
- Rayquaza
- Salamence
- Regice
- Cloyster
- Dialga
- Zekrom
- Abomasnow
- Alolan Ninetales
- Lapras
- Rampardos
- Palkia
- Sneasel
- Garchomp
- Froslass
- Reshiram
- Glalie
- Haxorus
Top move counters for Dragonite
- Ice Fang
- Powder Snow
- Ice Shard
- Frost Breath
- Dragon Breath
- Dragon Tail
- Smack Down
- Avalanche
- Ice Beam
- Weather Ball (Ice)
- Blizzard
- Ice Punch
- Outrage
- Draco Meteor
- Rock Slide
- Dragon Claw
There are many additional Pokemon and moves in Pokemon GO that are capable of countering Dragonite. As long as a trainer sticks to Dragonite's weaknesses, they should be quite effective in defeating it. Furthermore, if fellow players on their team also use powerful, high-quality counters, Dragonite should be less troublesome to overcome.
However, it's always wise to come into a raid prepared in Pokemon GO. Players should be certain to bring along healing items like Potions and Revives in case their team takes a beating.
Though players can carry a large amount of Pokemon in their collection, not all of them will be ideal for taking on Dragonite. Some may not have the stats or CP for it, while others may not be the ideal type or have the right moves for the job.
Dragonite may not appear for quite some time due to Pokemon GO's ongoing Halloween events, but it's quite popular with the fanbase. For this reason, it may only be a matter of time before the Dragon Pokemon makes its return again.
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