Pokemon GO Dusk Mane Necrozma raid guide: Weaknesses and best counters

Pokemon GO Dusk Mane Necrozma raid guide
Pokemon GO Dusk Mane Necrozma raid guide (Image via TPC)

Players wishing to challenge the powerful Legendary from Alola will be looking for a Pokemon GO Dusk Mane Necrozma raid guide. The beast was originally released in the in-person GO Fest 2024 events and will make a comeback on Saturday, December 14, 2024, from 2 - 5 pm local time to mark the Pokemon GO Necrozma Fusion Raid Day.


Players can challenge Dusk Mane Necrozma raids either in person or using Remote Raid Passes. Being a 5-star raid boss with impressive stats, the creature will not be easy to defeat. This Pokemon GO Dusk Mane Necrozma raid guide will provide the creature's weaknesses and the best counters to take it down.

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Pokemon GO Dusk Mane Necrozma raid weaknesses

Dusk Mane Necrozma in the anime (Image via TPC)
Dusk Mane Necrozma in the anime (Image via TPC)

Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game

What is super effective against Dusk Mane Necrozma in Pokemon GO?


Being a Steel and Psychic-type Pocket Monster, Dusk Mane Necrozma takes super-effective damage from Fire, Ground, Dark, and Ghost-type attacks. Each of these deals 160% more than the regular amount of damage.

Dusk Mane Necrozma's stat distribution and moveset in Pokemon GO

As a 5-star raid boss in Pokemon GO, Dusk Mane Necrozma has the following stats:

  • Combat Power: 54,822
  • Base Attack: 277
  • Base Defense: 220
  • Stamina: 15,000 HP
  • Fast Attacks: Shadow Claw, Metal Claw, Psycho Cut
  • Charged Attacks: Dark Pulse, Future SIght, Iron Head, Outrage

You will get 300 seconds to defeat the Pokemon GO Dusk Mane Necrozma raids once the timer starts. You must whittle down the raid boss' HP bar within this period for a chance to capture it. Up to 19 raiders can participate in these raids with you.

Also read: Pokemon GO player points out potential loophole with the Necrozma Fusion Raid Day event

Best counters in Pokemon GO Dusk Mane Necrozma raid


Best Ground-type counters for Dusk Mane Necrozma raids

  • Primal or regular or Shadow Groudon with Mud Shot and Precipice Blades
  • Mega or Shadow Garchomp with Mud Shot and Earth Power
  • Shadow Excadrill with Mud Slap and Scorching Sands
  • Shadow Ursaluna with Tackle and High Horsepower

Here's the search string to find the best Dark-type counters in your collection:

  • Ground&@Ground&cp2000-

Best Fire-type counters for Dusk Mane Necrozma raids

  • Mega or Shadow Blaziken with Fire Spin and Blast Burn
  • Mega Charizard X or Y with Fire Spin and Blast Burn
  • Mega Houndoom with Fire Fang and Flame Thrower
  • Reshiram with Fire Fang and Fusion Flare
  • Shadow Ho-Oh with Incinerate and Fusion Flare
  • Shadow Entei with Fire Fang and Overheat

Here's the search string to find the best Fire-type counters in your collection:

  • Fire&@Fire&cp2000-

Also read: Why you shouldn't use Charged Attacks during Pokemon GO Gigantamax battles

Best Ghost-type counters for Dusk Mane Necrozma raids

  • Dawn Wings Necrozma with Shadow Claw and Moongeist Beam
  • Mega Gengar with Shadow Claw and Shadow Ball
  • Mega Banette with Shadow Claw and Shadow Ball
  • Shadow or regular Chandelure with Hex and Shadow Ball
  • Gholdengo with Hex and Shadow Ball
  • Origin Forme Giratina with Shadow Claw and Shadow Ball

Here's the search string to find the best Ghost-type counters in your collection:

  • Ghost&@Ghost&cp2000-

Best Dark-type counters for Dusk Mane Necrozma raids

  • Mega or Shadow Tyranitar with Bite and Brutal Swing
  • Mega Houndoom with Snarl and Foul Play
  • Hydreigon with Bite and Brutal Swing
  • Mega Gyarados with Bite and Crunch
  • Darkrai with Snarl and Dark Pulse
  • Shadow Weavile with Snarl and Foul Play

Here's the search string to find the best Dark-type counters in your collection:

  • Dark&@Dark&cp2000-

What is the best weather to defeat Dusk Mane Necrozma raids easily?

The best weather to defeat Dusk Mane Necrozma is Sunny/Clear if you are using Fire and Ground-type attackers and Foggy weather if you are using Ghost or Dark-type attackers.

How many trainers are needed to defeat Pokemon GO Dusk Mane Necrozma raids?

At least three trainers are needed to take down Dusk Mane Necrozma raids in Pokemon GO. This only applies if you are using maxed-out best counters such as Mega or Shadow Tyranitar, Primal Groudon, Mega Charizard Y, Mega Gengar, Dawn Wings Necrozma, and so on. Using Party Play and rotating Mega Pokemon can also help win this fight more easily.


If you have sub-par counters that have not been maxed out, you should have at least 10 - 20 trainers using super-effective counters in order to take Dusk Mane Necrozma down in 5-star raids.

Also read: Pokemon GO Dusk Mane Necrozma: Best moveset, counters, and is it any good?

Pokemon GO Dusk Mane Necrozma raid catch CP and shiny availability

Shiny Dusk Mane Necrozma (Image via TPC)
Shiny Dusk Mane Necrozma (Image via TPC)

Once you defeat Pokemon GO Dusk Mane Necrozma raids, you will encounter the base form of Necrozma. Its stats will depend on its IVs and the present weather:

  • No weather boost: 2,018 - 2,104 CP at level 20 (10/10/10 - 15/15/15 IVs)
  • Weather boosted (Windy): 2,522 - 2,630 CP at level 25 (10/10/10 - 15/15/15 IVs)

You will also receive some Solar Fusion Energy for successfully conquering this raid.

How to get Dusk Mane Necrozma in Pokemon GO

You can fuse Solgaleo with Necrozma by spending 3,000 Solar Fusion Energy, 30 Necrozma Candy, and 30 Cosmog Candy to get Dusk Mane Necrozma.

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What are the 100% IV CPs for Pokemon GO Dusk Mane Necrozma raids?

Here are the 100% IVs CP for the Necrozma spawn after the raid:

  • No weather boost: 2,104 CP
  • Weather boosted (Windy): 2,630 CP

Can Necrozma be shiny in Pokemon GO?

Shiny Necrozma can appear for all trainers during Pokemon GO Fest 2024: Global. It has a 1-in-20 or 5% chance of being shiny every time you encounter it. Shiny legendaries found in raids are guaranteed catches. Fusing Solgaleo with Shiny Necrozma will give you Shiny Dusk Mane Necrozma.


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Edited by Niladri Roy
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