Electric-type Pokemon in Pokemon GO are quick and full of hypercharged power. However, like all Pocket Monsters, they have their flaws.
Whether players are using an Electric type in their battle team or are facing one in the arena, they'll want to be well-informed about these flaws.
Many Electric types can be tough to beat. They can be equally as flimsy when mismanaged in a bad type matchup. However, noting the primary weaknesses of these creatures is vital to securing wins in both PvE and PvP.
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Electric-type species come in various forms in Pokemon GO, from hulking physical attackers to smaller and speedy fighters that rely on powerful bolts of electricity. No matter their appearance, all Electric types possess the same weaknesses.
Electric-type Pokemon are only weak to Ground-type moves in Pokemon GO

Overall, Electric-type Pokemon in the franchise are only weak to Ground-type moves. While this makes them tougher to counter, Ground-type species aren't particularly difficult to come by. If players are battling an Electric-type, a Ground-type monster is often their best option to defeat it.
However, it's worth noting that Pokemon that possess a second typing (along with being Electric) may have different weaknesses and resistances. For example, an Electric/Flying-type foe like Zapdos negates its Ground-type weaknesses but can take super effective damage from Ice and Rock-type moves.
If players are utilizing an Electric type in Pokemon GO, it's imperative that they take all of its weaknesses into account, especially if it has a second typing. This can help avoid confusion and unforeseen mismatches in battle.
In PvP, this knowledge can save players from using up their shields, and it should help them combat PvE raid bosses more effectively.
Top Pokemon to counter Mono-Electric types
- Garchomp
- Excadrill
- Landorus
- Groudon
- Rhyperior
- Krookodile
- Golurk
- Mamoswine
- Donphan
- Golem
- Flygon
- Dugtrio
- Marowak
- Steelix
- Swampert
- Gastrodon
- Torterra
Ideal moves to Counter Mono-Electric types
- Mud Shot
- Mud-Slap
- Earth Power
- Earthquake
- Bulldoze
As long as a Pokemon GO trainer is utilizing a Ground-type move or Pokemon against their Electric-type opponent, they should fare well.
However, it's important to note that the Ground type should have comparable stats and CP against the foe it's facing. Otherwise, its type advantage may not be enough to secure a win.
In the case of PvE raid bosses, this can't quite be attained in the same sense. However, when dealing with an Electric-type raid boss, it's possible to utilize other strategies. For example, against more powerful bosses like Mega Ampharos/Mega Manectric, players can bring along fellow trainers and utilize Mega Evolution to turn the tide of battle in their favor.
For Pokemon GO trainers utilizing these lightning-infused creatures, as long as they avoid Ground-type opponents, things should go as expected in many cases.
However, earthy ground-dwelling species are quite common, and many Pokemon have dual Ground typing. This means players have to be careful when picking their battles. If their opponent throws out attacks like Mud-Slap, it's time to withdraw.
Electric-type Pokemon can be some of the most rewarding in the game when used wisely. Every trainer has bad battles, but extensive knowledge of type matchups ensures that they won't fall behind in their next bout in Pokemon GO.
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