Fashion Week presents an exciting opportunity in Pokemon GO, as many creatures wearing exclusive costumes are up for grabs during this period. 2023 marks the debut of three new costumed Pocket Monsters: Dragonite wearing sunglasses and Wooper and Quagsire donning a beanie. The event also marks the release of Gothita's shiny variant in Pokemon GO.
For trainers wishing to determine which creatures will be available in their shiny forms during this event and what their respective shiny odds are, this article covers everything.
All shiny Pocket Monsters available during Pokemon GO Fashion Week 2023 and their shiny odds
1) Pikachu with summer flair

Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Pikachu with summer flair is a potential wild encounter during this year's Fashion Week in Pokemon GO. It will have a 1-in-512 chance of being shiny. You may also get it by evolving Pichu with the same costume.
2) Diglett wearing a fashionable costume

Diglett, wearing a fashionable costume, may be caught in the wild, through 1-star raids, and from Field Research task rewards. It has a 1-in-512 chance of being shiny in each case.
3) Wooper wearing a fashionable costume

Wooper, wearing a fashionable costume, will make its Pokemon GO debut during Fashion Week 2023. It can be found in the wild, 1-star raids, and Field Research task encounters, each with a 1-in-512 chance of being shiny.
You can evolve this hat-wearing version of Wooper to get a Quagsire with a similar hat.
4) Croagunk wearing a fashionable costume

This special variant of Croagunk is a potential wild spawn, with a 1-in-512 chance of being shiny.
5) Gothita

Gothita's shiny form makes its debut during Pokemon GO's 2023 Fashion Week. It can be found in the wild and by hatching 5km Eggs. A wild Gothita will have 1-in-512 shiny odds, while those hatching from Eggs possess a 1-in-64 chance of being shiny.
6) Frillish (male and female)

Both variants of Frillish will be available in the wild and have a 1-in-512 chance of being shiny.
7) Furfrou

Furfrou's is a possible wild encounter with 1-in-512 shiny odds.
8) Absol wearing a fashionable costume

Absol's costumed variant may appear in the wild for some trainers. It will also appear as a 3-star raid boss in Pokemon GO during Fashion Week 2023. Each encounter with this critter has a 1-in-64 chance of being shiny.
9) Sneasel wearing a fashionable costume

Sneasel with a hat can be found in 1-star raids and will have shiny odds of 1-in-64.
10) Butterfree wearing a fashionable costume

Butterfree wearing a costume can be found through 3-star raids and as potential Field Research task encounters. It will have a 1-in-64 chance of being shiny.
11) Dragonite wearing a fashionable costume

Shiny Fashionable Dragonite makes its Pokemon GO debut during this event and can be found through 3-star raids and for completing the Collection Challenge. Each encounter with this critter will have 1-in-64 shiny odds.
12) Kirlia wearing a fashionable costume

Kirlia wearing a hat can be found in 3-star raids. It can also be obtained by completing Field Research tasks. Each of these encounters has a 1-in-64 chance of being shiny.
13) Pichu with summer flair

Pichu, wearing a cool summer hat, may hatch from 5-km Eggs. It has a 1-in-64 chance of being shiny. You may evolve this critter to get a Pikachu with the same costume.
14) Smoochum wearing a fashionable costume

Smoochum, another baby Pokemon, will be hatching from 5km Eggs found during Pokemon GO's Fashion Week 2023. It will have shiny odds of 1-in-64.
15) Shinx wearing a fashionable costume

Shinx wearing a fashionable costume may hatch from 5km Eggs during the event with a 1-in-64 chance of being shiny.
16) Blitzle wearing a fashionable costume

Collar-wearing Blitzle can be found in 5km Eggs during Pokemon GO's Fashion Week 2023. They will have a 1-in-512 chance of being shiny.
Additionally, Shiny Virizion and Cobalion will be available in 5-star raids during this period, while Shiny Garchomp and Shiny Kangaskhan can be found in Mega Raids. Spawns from 5-star raids have 1-in-20 shiny odds, while Mega Raid spawns have a 1-in-64 chance.
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