The Festival of Lights is one of the biggest Indian festivals that has found its place in Pokemon GO's annual event calendar. Homes across the country are decorated with lights and lamps. To mark the celebrations, Niantic's mobile game will have Electric and Fire-type Pocket Monsters spawning in large numbers.
If you are wondering which of the available creatures will arrive with their shiny forms and what the odds of running into the differently colored variants are, this article has you covered.
All shiny Pocket Monsters available during Pokemon GO Festival of Lights 2023 and their shiny odds
1) Pikachu: 1-in-512

Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
The Pokemon mascot can be found in the wild during this event.
2) Vulpix: 1-in-512

Vulpix will have boosted wild spawn rates during Pokemon GO's Festival of Lights.
3) Ponyta: 1-in-512

Ponyta will be appearing in the wild in large numbers.
4) Magnemite: 1-in-512

Magnemite has an increased chance of appearing in the wild during the event.
5) Voltorb: 1-in-512

Voltorb has a boosted spawn rate during this period.
6) Chinchou: 1-in-512

Chinchou can be acquired in the wild during this event.
7) Mareep: 1-in-512

Mareep can be caught in the wild during the Festival of Lights 2023.
8) Slugma: 1-in-512

Slugma will be appearing in the wild and have a greater chance of being attracted to Incense.
9) Electrike: 1-in-512

Elektrike will have increased wild spawn rates during this Pokemon GO event.
10) Litwick: 1-in-512

Litwick will be a common spawn during this Pokemon GO event and will be attracted to Incenses more often.
11) Morelull: 1-in-512 in the wild, 1-in-64 in Eggs

Shiny Morelull will be making its Pokemon GO debut during the event and have an increased chance of appearing in the wild, especially if you use Incense. It will also be available in 7km Eggs and as Field Research task encounters.
12) Elekid: 1-in-64

Elekid can be encountered by hatching 7km Eggs during Pokemon GO's Festival of Lights.
13) Magby: 1-in-64

Magby is a potential hatch from 7km Eggs during this Pokemon GO event.
14) Dedenne: 1-in-512

Dedenne is one of the Hatches from event-themed 7km Eggs. It will also be attracted to Incense in the wild.
15) Alolan Geodude: 1-in-512

Alolan Geodude will appear in the wild when you use an Incense.
16) Volbeat: 1-in-512

Volbeat will also be attracted to Incense during Pokemon GO's Festival of Lights 2023.
17) Illumise: 1-in-512

Illumise will appear in the wild during this event when you use an Incense.
18) Blitzle: 1-in-512

Blitzle is a potential wild encounter when you use an Incense.
19) Litleo: 1-in-512

Litleo is expected to be attracted to Incense during this event.
20) Darumaka: 1-in-64

Darumaka is a possible Field Research encounter in Pokemon GO's Festival of Lights 2023.
21) Houndoom: 1-in-64

Houndoom can be caught from Mega Raids throughout the event.
22) Douse Drive Genesect: 1-in-20

Douse Drive Genesect can be caught from 5-star raids till 10 am local time on November 9, 2023.
23) Virizion: 1-in-20

This Legendary Pocket Monster can be found in 5-star raids from 10 am local time on November 9, 2023. Check out the best counters to it.
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