With word of Goomy becoming one of the many Raid Bosses in Pokemon GO, many players are stocking up on healing items and Raid Passes to grind for their dragons with perfect stats. However, for newer trainers who may not want to miss out on this golden opportunity, it can be a bit overwhelming getting into the raiding scene.
Thankfully, Goomy is by no means a difficult boss to take down. With a little game knowledge and strategy, the creature will pose no threat to even brand-new players. So, what should trainers know about this fight before they spend the time and resources attempting to take down the new Raid Boss?
How to counter Goomy in Pokemon GO

Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
The first thing every Pokemon GO player should know before even attempting a raid is the elemental typing of the boss. In the case of Goomy, it is a Dragon-type creature. This means it is weak to Fairy, Ice, and other Dragon-type attacks. Since the Pocket Monster has access to Poison-, Dragon-, and Water-type attacks, trainers should primarily use Ice-type picks against it for safety.
Goomy is an unevolved Pokemon, which means that its stats are significantly lower compared to other Raid Bosses. Even new trainers will have no problem taking it down with weaker or more common picks like Glaceon, Piloswine, or Alolan Sandslash. In fact, these creatures' pre-evolved forms may be adequate enough to get the job done.
While these types of fights in Pokemon GO are meant to be conducted by multiple players, most should have no problem taking Goomy down solo. For the newbies who may just want to be safe for their first-ever raid, it would be beneficial to bring at least one other trainer, but it should not be necessary.
While most One-Star Raid Bosses are easy enough, Goomy's low base stats make challenging it even easier.
Can Goomy be shiny in Pokemon GO?
It is possible for players to find a shiny Goomy through these raids. With this in mind, advanced players, who may feel like these Goomy raids aren't worth their time, should just do a few just in case they get lucky. With Goomy being a rare creature already, having a shiny variant would multiply its value tenfold.
Is Goodra good in Pokemon GO PvP?

With all the excitement of getting a Goomy, some players may be wondering if its final evolution, Goodra, has any use in Pokemon GO's competitive Battle League. From what has been reported about the dragon, it is far from unusable. However, being a pure Dragon-type creature, Goodra is simply outclassed by other Pseudo-Legendaries.
While not a bad choice if the player has no other Dragon-type picks to use, players would see much more success using the energy to train up a Dragonite instead. Goodra also has some great coverage with the addition of Power Whip in its movepool.
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