Halloween is a special time in Pokemon GO, as the game gets a complete makeover in terms of appearance. Moreover, during the festive period, players are rewarded with a plethora of bonuses. Part II of Halloween 2023 kicks off at 10 am local time on October 26 and will go on till 8 pm local time on October 31. Two new costumed Pocket Monsters (Pikachu and Gengar), as well as a new Shiny (Zorua), will be released during this event.
Additionally, many other rare critters will be available in their shiny forms. This article will mention every shiny Pokemon available during Halloween Part II and your probability of encountering them.
All shiny Pocket Monsters available during Pokemon GO
Halloween 2023 Part II, and their shiny odds
1) Pikachu wearing a Tricks & Treats costume

Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
This version of Pikachu will be available exclusively in the wild and will have a 1-in-512 chance of being shiny.
2) Vulpix wearing a Spooky Festival costume

Spooky Festival Vulpix will be available once again during Part II of the Halloween event. It will be a wild spawn, and your chances of encountering a shiny version of this entity will be 1 out of 512.
3) Murkrow

Murkrow will be available as a wild spawn with shiny odds of 1-in-512.
4) Misdreavus

Misdreavus will appear as a wild encounter as well as a 1-star raid boss. In both cases, it will have a 1-in-512 chance of being shiny.
5) Sableye

Sableye will be a wild spawn with 1-in-512 shiny odds.
6) Piplup wearing a Halloween Mischief costume

This costumed version of the Water-type Starter Pokemon from Sinnoh will appear in the wild during Pokemon GO's Halloween Part II event. The odds of it being shiny are 1 out of 512.
7) Drifloon

Driflloon will spawn in the wild and have a 1-in-512 chance of being shiny.
8) Yamask

Yanmask will have a 1-in-64 chance of being shiny when you encounter it in the wild.
9) Zorua

Zorua's shiny form will be making its Pokemon GO debut during the event. Being an extremely rare spawn generally, it will have a 1-in-64 chance of it being shiny in the wild.
10) Fennekin

Kalos region Fire-starter will appear in the wild with 1-in-512 shiny odds.
11) Phantump

Shiny Phantump just made its Pokemon GO debut. During Part II of this year's Halloween event, it will be available as a wild encounter as well as a Field Research reward. Either way, it will have a 1-in-512 chance of being shiny.
12) Pumpkaboo wearing a Spooky Festival costume

This costumed version of Pumpkaboo has a 1-in-512 chance of being shiny when encountered in the wild. All sizes of Pumpkaboo will be available in this outfit.
13) Noibat

Noibat is an extremely rare critter in Pokemon GO. Therefore, when you encounter it in the wild during this event, it will have shiny odds of 1-in-512.
14) Gengar wearing a Tricks & Treats costume

This Halloween special, Gengar will be a rare wild spawn and will also be available in 3-star raids. In either event, your odds of finding a shiny variant of this Pokemon is 1 out of 64.
15) Gastly

Gastly will be available as a 1-star raid boss and have a 1-in-512 chance of being shiny.
16) Darkrai

Darkrai will be appearing in 5-star raids during Pokemon GO's Halloween Part II event. It will have 1-in-20 odds of being shiny.
17) Banette

Once you defeat Mega Banette in raids, you will have a chance to catch its regular version. This entity's odds of being shiny are 1 in 64.
18) Galarian Yamask

Galarian Yanmask will be available as a Field Research encounter and has shiny odds of 1-in-64.
19) Spiritomb

Spiritomb spawns will be available in the event-exclusive Timed Research. Each of these will have a 1-in-64 chance of being shiny.
Check out all other bonuses of the Halloween Part II event in Pokemon GO.
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