Recently returning to Pokemon GO raids this December, Cloyster arrives from the original generation of Pokemon and evolves from Shellder.
Currently, Cloyster possesses four weaknesses and two resistances in Pokemon and Pokemon GO. This provides trainers with more than a few avenues to compose their battle teams when taking Cloyster on as a raid boss.
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
As a 3-Star raid boss, Cloyster can be a tough out, but not on the level of a 5-Star raid boss like Kyurem. Cloyster's weaknesses include some of the most popular types of Pokemon as well, meaning counter play against it is somewhat easier compared to others.
Pokemon GO: Top counters to defeat Cloyster

Overall, Cloyster is weak to Electric, Fighting, Grass, and Rock-type moves due to it being a dual Water/Ice-type Pokemon. Pokemon GO trainers should hone in on these weaknesses in order to dispatch Cloyster quickly and receive the best rewards possible in a raid situation.
That covers more than a few moves and Pokemon fortunately, and matching one of these move types to a Pokemon of the same type will amplify its damage thanks to Same Type Attack Bonuses (STAB).
Adding STAB damage to the super effective damage Cloyster is already receiving is a great way to hammer away its large HP pool.
Below, Pokemon GO trainers can find a list of Pokemon (with movesets) that can hard counter Cloyster in raids:
- Mega Manectric (Thunder Fang/Wild Charge)
- Mega Ampharos (Volt Switch/Zap Cannon)
- Mega Lopunny (Low Kick/Focus Blast)
- Mega Abomasnow (Razor Leaf/Energy Ball)
- Lucario (Counter/Aura Sphere)
- Rampardos (Smack Down/Rock Slide)
- Zekrom (Charge Beam/Wild Charge)
- Conkeldurr (Counter/Dynamic Punch)
- Raikou (Volt Switch/Wild Charge)
- Electivire (Thunder Shock/Wild Charge)
- Thundurus (Volt Switch/Thunderbolt)
- Rhyperior (Smack Down/Rock Wrecker)
- Machamp (Karate Chop/Dynamic Punch)
- Magnezone (Spark/Wild Charge)
- Zapdos (Thunder Shock/Thunderbolt)
- Sirfetch'd (Counter/Close Combat)
- Pirouette Meloetta (Low Kick/Close Combat)
- Luxray (Spark/Wild Charge)
- Hariyama (Counter/Dynamic Punch)
There are additional Pokemon and moves in Pokemon GO to counter Cloyster, but the list above is a great place to start for trainers looking to formulate a team.
As long as players hone in on Cloyster's weaknesses with solid CP/stat Pokemon and their fellow trainers do the same, the Pokemon should be defeated pretty quickly and allow for plenty of rewards.
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