Mega Ampharos is an Electric/Dragon-type Mega Evolution that appears in Pokemon GO as a Mega Raid Boss this February.
Populating gyms everywhere, Mega Ampharos is calling for all challengers in the game. However, as a Mega Raid Boss, this Pokemon won't be easy to beat without a well-formulated team and the assistance of fellow trainers.
With the right Pokemon to counter Mega Ampharos and a team of trainers who follow the same strategy, defeating the Mega Raid Boss will be much easier.
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Preparation is a huge part of any Mega Raid, and this particular Pokemon battle is no different.
Countering Mega Ampharos in Pokemon GO

With the 33rd-highest maximum attack stat in the entirety of Pokemon GO, Mega Ampharos can be difficult to beat.
As such, Mega Ampharos must be countered quickly and efficiently to mitigate damage to a trainer's roster of Pokemon. Defeating this Mega Evolution quickly will also yield the best rewards for trainers.
One of the best strategies to utilize in a battle party against any Mega Raid Boss is to use Mega Evolution yourself. If trainers have enough Mega Energy stored for the right counter Pokemon, they should use it in order to bring out the best in one's Pokemon GO raiding team.
Below, trainers can find a list of moves and Pokemon that should perform well in countering Mega Ampharos:
Fast Moves
- Dragon Breath (Dragon-type)
- Powder Snow (Ice-type)
- Dragon Tail (Dragon-type)
- Mud-Slap (Ground-type)
- Mud Shot (Ground-type)
- Ice Fang (Ice-type)
- Charm (Fairy-type)
Charge Moves
- Dragon Claw (Dragon-type)
- Dazzling Gleam (Fairy-type)
- Weather Ball (Ice) (Ice-type)
- Dragon Pulse (Dragon-type)
- Outrage (Dragon-type)
- Draco Meteor (Dragon-type)
- Avalanche (Ice-type)
- Earthquake (Ground-type)
- Earth Power (Ground-type)
- Blizzard (Ice-type)
- Drill Run (Ground-type)
- Play Rough (Fairy-type)
- Mega Charizard X
- Mega Altaria
- Mega Abomasnow
- Mega Steelix
- Garchomp
- Zekrom
- Rayquaza
- Salamence
- Haxorus
- Palkia
- Reshiram
- Dragonite
- Dialga
- Mamoswine
- Latios
- Latias
- Landorus
- Groudon
- Excadrill
- Galarian Darmanitan
- Rhyperior
- Hydreigon
- Kyurem
- Zacian
- Krookodile
- Togekiss
If the above moves and Pokemon aren't available, trainers should stick to Mega Ampharos' elemental weaknesses (Dragon, Fairy, Ice, and Ground-type moves). They should also utilize these moves with their highest CP and IV Pokemon. Doing so should result in the Mega Evolved Pokemon falling, though results may vary somewhat.
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