One of Pokemon GO's most popular Mega Raid bosses, Mega Houndoom is a powerful Fire/Dark-type Pokemon that appears fairly often over the course of the year.
Although it isn't an unstoppable raid boss, Mega Houndoom can still be a handful for Pokemon GO trainers that aren't prepared for it. Its moveset tends to hit hard and its typing gives it an advantage against more than a few Pokemon types.
Like any Pokemon, however, Mega Houndoom has its weaknesses and these should be focused on in order to defeat it with time to spare. Bringing along fellow trainers utilizing the same counter strategy should allow the fight to move along and conclude at a solid pace.
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Mega Houndoom's top counters in Pokemon GO (2022)

Overall, the four major weaknesses Mega Houndoom possesses are Fighting, Water, Ground, and Rock-type moves. By utilizing these moves with high CP/stat Pokemon, the super effective damage dealt against Mega Houndoom should be substantial. If trainers pair moves that Mega Houndoom is weak to with Pokemon that share their types (Hydro Cannon on Blastoise for example), the move will also receive a Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB) which will increase damage output even more.
Below, trainers can find a list of moves that work exceptionally well against Mega Houndoom as well as the Pokemon to wield them:
Fast Moves
- Water Gun (Water-type)
- Waterfall (Water-type)
- Rock Throw (Rock-type)
- Low Kick (Fighting-type)
- Smack Down (Rock-type)
- Counter (Fighting-type)
- Mud Shot (Ground-type)
- Bubble (Water-type)
Charge Moves
- Hydro Pump (Water-type)
- Hydro Cannon (Water-type)
- Rock Slide (Rock-type)
- Focus Blast (Fighting-type)
- Sacred Sword (Fighting-type)
- Rock Wrecker (Rock-type)
- Aura Sphere (Fighting-type)
- Dynamic Punch (Fighting-type)
- Earth Power (Ground-type)
- Crabhammer (Water-type)
- Earthquake (Ground-type)
- Close Combat (Fighting-type)
- Water Pulse (Water-type)
- Drill Run (Ground-type)
- Power Gem (Rock-type)
- Stone Edge (Rock-type)
- Mega Blastoise
- Mega Gyarados
- Mega Aerodactyl
- Mega Lopunny
- Mega Slowbro
- Mega Gengar (using Focus Blast)
- Terrakion
- Rampardos
- Lucario
- Kyogre
- Rhyperior
- Conkeldurr
- Swampert
- Garchomp
- Kingler
- Samurott
- Feraligatr
- Machamp
- Breloom
- Landorus
- Hariyama
- Pirouette Meloetta
- Clawitzer
- Sharpedo
- Tyranitar
- Empoleon
- Groudon
- Haxorus
- Sirfetch'd
Although this list isn't exhaustive, Pokemon GO trainers should still be able to beat Mega Houndoom with alternatives as long as they use the right moves and have high CP and stats to deal significant damage. Once Mega Houndoom falls, all that's left to do is collect its Mega Energy and revel in victory.
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