Infernape will return to 3-star raids during the Pokemon GO Tour: Sinnoh Global event, and you can defeat it by learning its weaknesses and counters. As a 3-star raid boss, the critter will boast moderate Hit Points (HP) and Combat Power (CP). This means players also have a chance to win this battle solo. In the same event, you will also have the opportunity to face Empoleon and Torterra.
The GO Tour: Sinnoh Global event will run from February 24, 2023, to February 25, 2023. With the right counters and raid knowledge, you will be able to take Infernape down easily.
Pokemon GO: Infernape weaknesses

Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
In Pokemon GO, Infernape is a dual Fighting and Fire-type Pokemon. Due to its typing, it is weak to the following attacks:
- Flying (160%)
- Ground (160%)
- Psychic (160%)
- Water (160%)
You can use the above moves to get the best results from your counters. They inflict heavy damage; thus, you should choose them and avoid these attacks:
- Bug
- Dark
- Fire
- Ice
- Dark
- Steel
Best counters for Infernape in Pokemon GO

Infernape’s best raid counters include Pokemon and moves that share the following types:
- Flying
- Ground
- Psychic
- Water
When you use similar type Pocket Monsters and moves, you will activate the Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB) feature. This bonus effect dramatically boosts your damage output.
With that being said, here are the Mega counters:
- Mega Rayquaza: Air Slash and Dragon Ascent
- Primal Groudon: Mud Shot and Precipice Blades
- Primal Kyogre: Waterfall and Origin Pulse
- Mega Alakazam: Confusion and Psychic
- Mega Latios: Zen Headbutt and Psychic
- Mega Gardevoir: Confusion and Psychic
- Mega Gallade: Confusion and Psychic
Some pivotal Shadow counters for this raid:
- Shadow Rayquaza: Air Slash and Dragon Ascent
- Shadow Mewtwo: Confusion and Psystrike
- Shadow Moltres: Wing Attack and Sky Attack
- Shadow Ho-Oh: Extrasensory and Brave Bird
- Shadow Garchomp: Mud Shot and Earth Power
- Shadow Lugia: Extrasensory and Aeroblast
Regular counters for your parties:
- Unbound Hoopa: Confusion and Psychic
- Staraptor: Gust and Fly
- Gardevoir: Confusion and Psychic
- Braviary: Air Slash and Fly
- Kingler: Bubble and Crabhammer
- Greninja: Water Shuriken and Hydro Cannon
Pokemon GO: Infernape stats as a 3-star raid boss

- HP: 3600
- CP: 20,007
- Attack: 222
- Defense: 151
- Stamina: 183
- Fast Moves: Fire Spin and Rock Smash
- Charged Moves: Close Combat, Flamethrower, Solar Beam, and Blast Burn
Infernape catch CP
Infernape's CP caught from raids will range from:
- 1459 to 1533, captured with no weather boost
- 1824 to 1916, bagged with Sunny and Cloudy weather boost
Can you get Shiny Infernape in Pokemon GO?
Shiny Infernape is available in the game, but you cannot get it from the Pokemon GO Tour: Sinnoh Global event's 3-star raids.
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