Lickitung appears in Pokemon GO as a 3-star raid boss this February. It is a beloved Pokemon in the game due to its performance in Great League PvP.
When taking on Lickitung, Pokemon GO trainers need to remember that it is a Normal-type Pokemon. As such, it only possesses one elemental move weakness and only has one resistance. This means that most Pokemon will deal standard damage to Lickitung and won't be able to exploit type advantages.
To avoid this, trainers should stick to utilizing Fighting-type Pokemon and moves, the only damage source that Lickitung will take super-effective damage from. Likewise, they should avoid using Ghost-type moves and Pokemon, as Lickitung can resist them.
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Best counters to defeat Lickitung in Pokemon GO

Since Fighting-type Pokemon are the best shot to beat Lickitung quickly in Pokemon GO, trainers will want to use their best brawlers.
If trainers are taking Lickitung on as a raid boss or in a trainer battle, the same Fighting-type counterpicks should be able to take care of business without issues. The anti-Normal-type meta has been consistent over the years, and the rule rings true when taking on the Licking Pokemon.
Below, Pokemon GO trainers can find a list of excellent moves to counter Lickitung in both raids and PvP:
Fast Moves
- Low Kick (Fighting-type)
- Counter (Fighting-type)
Charge Moves
- Focus Blast (Fighting-type)
- Aura Sphere (Fighting-type)
- Dynamic Punch (Fighting-type)
- Close Combat (Fighting-type)
- Sacred Sword (Fighting-type)
- Mega Lopunny
- Machamp
- Lucario
- Breloom
- Conkeldurr
- Pirouette Meloetta
- Terrakion
- Blaziken
- Sawk
- Hariyama
- Heracross
- Sirfetch'd
- Emboar
- Toxicroak
- Cobalion
In addition to the above list, several other Pokemon should be able to handle Lickitung in Pokemon GO. As long as their stats and CP remain comparable to the Licking Pokemon, it shouldn't be too much trouble compared to its evolution Lickilicky.
As a 3-star raid boss, Lickitung can even be defeated solo by a tactful trainer with the right battle team. This doesn't mean Lickitung is a pushover, but it's much easier to deal with as a raid boss compared to other Pokemon.
In PvP, Lickitung remains a force in the Great League. Many consider it to be one of the best Switch Pokemon in the meta. However, if it's unshielded, it will be vulnerable to a Fighting-type assault that can quickly put it out of commission.
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