Pokemon GO Max Battles are the latest PvE experience for players in Niantic's mobile game. This came with the Max Out update and has been available to all players since 10 am local time on September 10, 2024.
This article delves into the details of Pokemon GO Max Battles to help you get started with the new combat system.
What are Pokemon GO Max Battles?
Max Battles are PvE battles in Pokemon GO that feature a Dynamax Pokemon raid boss. Similar to raids, there are different tiers of Max Battles based on the level of difficulty. You can challenge these battles with three other players by paying with Max Particles. The MP required to enter these battles also differs based on the tier.
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game

Max Battles function similarly to raids in other ways as well. You get together with other trainers to defeat a boss. Successfully doing so yields an encounter with it and provides you with items as rewards. In this mechanic, you can increase the amount of gifts you get by paying 100 PokeCoins at the end of each battle.
However, unlike raids, where a Raid Pass is consumed whether you win or lose, the Max Particle payment is refunded if you do not come out on top.
Also read: Pokemon GO Battle League Might and Mastery (Season 22): Schedule and rewards
How do Pokemon GO Max Battles work?
Firstly, to take part in Max Battles in Pokemon GO, you need at least one Dynamax Pokemon. You can get your first one from the To The Max! Special Research or by collecting 1,000 Max Particles.
Starting at 10 am local time, September 10, 2024, some Power Spots in Pokemon GO will start hosting Pokemon GO Max Battles. Enter the battle with up to three other trainers with you.

Once you enter a Max Battle, tap the screen to perform Fast Attacks and build up energy for Charged Attacks like other battles. Attacking also fills up the Max Meter on top. When this is full, you can Dynamax your Pokemon for three turns.
Once in this state, your Pokemon's Fast Attack will turn into the Max Move of the corresponding type. For example, a Dynamax Wooloo that knows Tackle by default will be able to use Max Strike.
You can swipe to dodge attacks from the opposing Power Spot boss. You can also swipe to collect Energy icons on the battlefield, as these will charge your Max Meter faster. Keep attacking the Power Spot Boss until you whittle down its HP bar— which will lead to the end of the battle.
If all three of your attackers faint when challenging a tier-three boss or higher, you can continue to participate in the battle by cheering for your teammates.
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What happens after a Max Battle ends in Pokemon GO?

Once you win a Max Battle in Pokemon GO, you can place one of your party members in the Power Spot to give future challengers a damage bonus. You will get rewards when your critter assists in enough battles or if the Power Spot closes.
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The damage bonus is proportional to the number of Pokemon placed in the Power Spot. This number is limited both with respect to the location as well as the maximum number of critters a single trainer can leave. Having more Pokemon inside one of these spots also increases the likelihood of more creatures spawning around.
Pokemon GO Max Battle Rewards
Once you take down a Max Battle, you will be given Golden Razz Berries, Potions, and other items as rewards. You also get XP based on the difficulty level of the battle. You can increase these gifts by paying 100 PokeCoins.
Taking down Pokemon GO Max Battles also gives you an encounter with the Power Spot boss. These creatures will be capable of Dynamaxing.
Also read: Current raid bosses in Pokemon GO
All Pokemon GO Max Battles (March 2025)
As of March 2025, the following five Max Battles in Pokemon GO are available:
- Wooloo - Tier 1
- Skwovet - Tier 1
- Charmander - Tier 1
- Bulbasaur - Tier 1
- Squirtle - Tier 1
- Beldum - Tier 3
- Grookey - Tier 1
- Scorbunny - Tier 1
- Sobble - Tier 1
- Falinks - Tier 3
- Gastly - Tier 1
- Drilbur - Tier 1
- Toxtricity - Tier 3
- Machop - Tier 2
- Krabby - Tier 1
- Cryogonal - Tier 3
- Articuno - Tier 5
- Zapdos - Tier 5
- Moltres - Tier 5
- Pidove - Tier 1
- Darumaka - Tier 1
- Kubfu - NA
- Raikou - Tier 5
- Chansey - Tier 3
- Caterpie - Tier 1
- G-Max Venusaur - Tier 6
- G-Max Charizard - Tier 6
- G-Max Blastoise - Tier 6
- G-Max Gengar - Tier 6
- G-Max Kingler - Tier 6
- G-Max Lapras - Tier 6
- G-Max Toxtricity - Tier 6
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