Pokemon GO's next Mega Raid Boss will arrive on February 15, 2023, at 10:00 am local time. Mega Pidgeot will be the featured raid boss, and it will remain in the limelight until February 22, 2023, at 10:00 am local time.
If players are hoping to capture a Pidgeot of their own or get some Mega Energy to Mega Evolve one they already have, this upcoming week of Mega Raids will be a great opportunity to do so. However, Mega Pidgeot won't just give up its energy willingly, and Pokemon GO trainers will have to defeat it in a Mega Raid first.
Fortunately, there are plenty of Pokemon and moves that can counter Mega Pidgeot effectively. This means the raid can be completed quickly to get the maximum rewards possible.
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Top moves and Pokemon counters to Pidgeot in Pokemon GO

As a Normal/Flying-type creature in Pokemon GO, Pidgeot is weak to Electric, Ice, and Rock-type moves. Trainers may want to keep these elements in mind as they formulate their battle teams.
Pokemon who match their types to moves of the same type will receive increased damage from the Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB). This makes Electric, Ice, and Rock-type Pokemon natural counters to Mega Pidgeot. If trainers have any Mega Energy available, it may be time to enact Mega Evolution for an extra edge in battle.
Top Pokemon counters to Mega Pidgeot
- Mega Manectric
- Mega Ampharos
- Mega Aerodactyl
- Mega Glalie
- Mega Abomasnow
- Xurkitree
- Thundurus
- Zekrom
- Rampardos
- Electivire
- Rhyperior
- Tyrantrum
- Raikou
- Magnezone
- Zapdos
- Luxray
- Gigalith
- Galarian Darmanitan
- Terrakion
- Mamoswine
- Tapu Koko
Top move counters to Mega Pidgeot
- Thunder Fang
- Rock Throw
- Volt Switch
- Spark
- Frost Breath
- Powder Snow
- Charge Beam
- Smack Down
- Thunder Shock
- Ice Fang
- Wild Charge
- Rock Slide
- Zap Cannon
- Discharge
- Avalanche
- Thunderbolt
- Weather Ball (Ice)
- Rock Slide
- Rock Wrecker
- Meteor Beam
- Thunder
In addition to bringing along counters to this Mega Raid, it's wise to have some fellow Pokemon GO trainers come along. Mega Raids aren't designed to be beaten solo, and doing so would be an immense task for just about any player. As more players join the raid, the odds of successful completion and more rewards come into sharper focus. Better rewards also mean a better chance of capturing Pidgeot after the raid.
Since Mega Pidgeot can do heavy damage in Pokemon GO, it's a good idea to collect as many healing items as possible, including Potions and Revives.
Nothing is worse than having the top counter picks on a player's team out for the count, so trainers will want to be able to quickly and reliably heal up their party members in the event that they faint. Losing the top counter options would mean a total overall drop in DPS until players can get their Pokemon healed, which may throw off the entire raid depending on the situation.
Fortunately, Mega Pidgeot should be one of the easier Mega Raid bosses to take down in Pokemon GO. As long as trainers are persistent and clever with their strategies, the mighty flying Pokemon should fall in a relatively short amount of time.
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