Pokemon GO Mega Pinsir raids are available from 10 am local time on March 22, 2025, until 10 am local time on March 31, 2025. During this time you can challenge the creature to get an encounter with its base form — which can be shiny — and its Mega Energy.
This article explains everything you need to know to defeat Pokemon GO Mega Pinsir raids. It details the creature's weaknesses, best counters, moves, and catch CP.
Pokemon GO Mega Pinsir raid weaknesses
What is super-effective against Mega Pinsir?

Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Mega Pinsir takes double super-effective damage from Rock-type moves. It also takes super-effective damage from Electric-, Fire-, Flying-, and Ice-type attacks.
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Mega Pinsir stat distribution and moveset in Pokemon GO
As a Mega Raid Boss, it has the following stats and moveset:
- Combat power: 47,614 CP
- Attack: 305
- Defense: 231
- Stamina: 9,000 HP
- Fast Attacks: Fury Cutter, Bug Bite, and Rock Smash
- Charged Attacks: Vise Grip, Submission, X-Scissor, Close Combat, and Superpower
The best way to challenge Mega Pinsir in raids is to form a group of two to six players. It is good to be in a team to win Pokemon GO Mega Pinsir raids because its combat power and Stamina are boosted in battles.
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Best counters to Pokemon GO Mega Pinsir raids

Mega Pinsir can be easily countered by Rock-type moves in the game. Other super-effective types can also net you decent results.
Rock-type counters to Mega Pinsir
- Mega Diancie: Rock Throw and Rock Slide
- Shadow Rhyperior: Smack Down and Rock Wrecker
- Shadow Aerodactyl: Rock Throw and Rock Slide
- Shadow Rampardos: Smack Down and Rock Slide
- Tyrantrum: Rock Throw and Meteor Beam
Flying-type counters to Mega Pinsir
- Mega Rayquaza: Air Slash and Dragon Ascent
- Yveltal: Gust and Oblivion Wing
- Shadow Staraptor: Gust and Fly
- Mega Pidgeot: Gust and Brave Bird
- Therian Forme Tornadus: Gust and Bleakwind Storm
Fire-type counters to Pokemon GO Mega Pinsir raids
- Mega Charizard Y: Fire Spin and Blast Burn
- Mega Blaziken: Fire Spin and Blast Burn
- Shadow Chandelure: Fire Spin and Overheat
- Shadow Moltres: Fire Spin and Sky Attack
- Blacephalon: Incinerate and Mystical Fire
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Electric-type counters to Mega Pinsir
- Shadow Raikou: Thundershock and Wild Charge
- Therian Forme Thundurus: Volt Switch and Wildbolt Storm
- Zekrom: Charge Beam and Fusion Bolt
- Xurkitree: Thundershock and Discharge
- Mega Manectric: Thundershock and Wild Charge
Ice-type counters to Mega Pinsir
- Black Kyurem: Dragon Tail and Freeze Shock
- White Kyurem: Ice Fang and Ice Burn
- Shadow Mamoswine: Powder Snow and Avalanche
- Shadow Weavile: Ice Shard and Avalanche
- Kyurem: Dragon Breath and Glaciate
- Galarian Darmanitan: Ice Fang and Avalanche
You can use the following search strings to find the best counters to defeat Mega Pinsir:
- Ice&@Ice&cp1500-
- Fire&@Fire&cp1500-
- Flying&@Flying&cp1500-
- Ice&@Ice&cp1500-
- Rock&@Rock&cp1500-
- Electric&@Electric&cp1500-
Can you solo defeat Mega Pinsir in Pokemon GO?
Mega Pinsir can be taken down by a single trainer when using the right counters.
Pokemon GO Mega Pinsir raid catch CP and shiny availability

The catch CPs of Mega Pinsir obtained from raids vary based on the weather it is caught in and its IVs.
- No weather boost: 2,295 CP - 2,389 CP (10/10/10 - 15/15/15 IVs)
- Weather boosted (Rain and Windy): 2,869 CP - 2,987 CP at Level 25 (10/10/10 - 15/15/15 IVs)
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100% IV CPs from Pokemon GO Mega Pinsir raids
- No weather boost: 2,389 CP
- Weather boosted (Rain and Windy): 2,987 CP
Can Mega Pinsir be shiny in Pokemon GO?
Yes, Mega Pinsir can be shiny in the game. You have a 1-in-128 chance of encountering Shiny Pinsir from the raids. You can Mega Evolve it using the Mega Energy received from these raids.
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- Best Fast Attacks in Pokemon GO
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