The Pokemon GO Nuzleaf raid guide provides trainers with information on its weaknesses, strengths, and the best counters to use. Nuzleaf, the Willy Pokemon, is a three-star raid boss. It has vulnerabilities that, when exploited in battles, allow challengers to encounter and obtain it. The raids featuring Nuzleaf will be active until Saturday, March 22, 2025, at 10 am local time.
This article explains everything trainers need to know to defeat Nuzleaf. It also points out the creature’s weaknesses, answers if it is shiny in raids, its catch CP ranges, and its attacks.
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Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Pokemon GO Nuzleaf raid weaknesses
What is super-effective against Nuzleaf in Pokemon GO?

Nuzleaf is a Dark- and Grass-type Pokemon. It takes double super-effective damage from Bug-type attacks and single super-effective damage from Fairy-, Fighting-, Fire-, Flying-, Ice-, and Poison-type moves.
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Nuzleaf stat distribution and moveset in Pokemon GO
The three-star Nuzleaf raid boss has the following stats and moves:
- Max CP: 8,621
- Attack: 134
- Defense: 78
- Stamina: 3,600 HP
- Fast Attacks: Razor Leaf and Feint Attack
- Charged Attacks: Leaf Blade, Grass Knot, and Foul Play
Nuzleaf can deal super-effective damage against Ground-, Rock-, Water-, Ghost-, and Psychic-type creatures. Pokemon GO Nuzleaf raids should be completed within 180 seconds.
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Best counters to Pokemon GO Nuzleaf raids
This monster receives massive damage from Bug-type moves. So, the best strategy to counter Nuzleaf is to use creatures with Bug typing. It is also good to run other strong counter types as your secondary choices.
Best Bug-type Nuzleaf counters
- Mega Heracross: Struggle Bug and Megahorn
- Pheromosa: Bug Bite and Bug Buzz
- Mega Pinsir: Bug Bite and X-Scissor
- Shadow Scizor: Fury Cutter and X-Scissor
- Shadow Pinsir: Bug Bite and X-Scissor
- Shadow Escavalier: Bug Bite and Megahorn
Best Fairy-type Nuzleaf counters
- Mega Gardevoir: Charm and Dazzling Gleam
- Incarnate Forme Enamorus: Fairy Wind and Fly
Best Fighting-type Nuzleaf counters
- Mega Lucario: Force Palm and Aura Sphere
- Shadow Emboar: Low Kick and Blast Burn
- Shadow Machamp: Counter and Dynamic Punch
- Terrakion: Double Kick and Sacred Sword
- Shadow Conkeldurr: Counter and Dynamic Punch
Best Fire-type Nuzleaf counters
- Mega Y Charizard: Fire Spin and Blast Burn
- Mega Blaziken: Fire Spin and Blast Burn
- Shadow Salamence: Fire Spin and Fly
- Reshiram: Fire Fing and Fusion Flare
- Shadow Moltres: Fire Spin and Sky Attack
- Shadow Ho-Oh: Incinerate and Brave Bird
Best Flying-type Nuzleaf counters
- Mega Rayquaza: Air Slash and Dragon Ascent
- Yveltal: Gust and Oblivion Wing
- Shadow Staraptor: Gust and Fly
- Mega Pidgeot: Gust and Brave Bird
- Shadow Honchkrow: Peck and Sky Attack
- Therian Forme Tornadus: Gust and Bleakwind Storm
Best Ice-type Nuzleaf counters
- White Kyurem: Ice Fang and Ice Burn
Best Poison-type Nuzleaf counters
- Naganadel: Poison Jab and Sludge Bomb
- Sneasel: Poison Jab and X-Scissor
There are plenty of great Bug-, Fire-, and Flying-type counters to Pokemon GO Nuzleaf raids. Using them in Rainy, Sunny, and Windy weather respectively to boost their performance.
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Search strings to find strong counters to Pokemon GO Nuzleaf raids
- Bug&@Bug&cp1500-
- Fire&@Fire&cp1500-
- Flying&@Flying&cp1500-
- Ice&@Ice&cp1500-
- Fairy&@Fairy&cp1500-
- Poison&@Poison&cp1500-
- Fighting&@Fighting&cp1500-
Can you defeat Nuzleaf in Pokemon GO solo?
Pretty much any of the aforementioned creatures with the right moves can solo defeat Nuzleaf raids on their own.
Pokemon GO Nuzleaf raid catch CP and shiny availability

After Nuzleaf is taken down in raids, its catch CP as an encounter changes. The range of its catch CP are as follows:
- No weather boost: 650 CP - 701 CP at Level 20 (10/10/10 - 15/15/15 IVs)
- Weather boosted (Sunny and Fog): 813 CP - 876 CP at Level 25 (10/10/10 - 15/15/15 IVs)
What are the 100% IV CPs from Pokemon GO Nuzleaf raids?
- No weather boost: 701
- Weather boosted (Sunny and Fog): 876
Can Nuzleaf be shiny in Pokemon GO?
Yes, Nuzleaf is available in shiny variants in the game but cannot be found in the three-star raids featuring the creature taking place from March 19, 2025, to March 22, 2025.
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