Pokemon GO, the popular augmented reality mobile game, continues to engage players with its dynamic raid battles. One such challenge is the Onix raid, where trainers face the Rock Snake Pokemon. To maximize your chances of success, it is essential to understand Onix's best moveset, weaknesses, and the optimal strategies to counter it.
This article serves as a guide for the Onix raid in Pokemon GO.
Pokemon GO Onix's stats

Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Onix in Pokemon GO is a dual-type Rock/Ground, known for its serpentine body made of rugged boulders. While it may not be the most formidable raid boss, understanding its characteristics can make the battle smoother and more efficient.
Onix's stats
- Max CP: 1245
- Attack: 85
- Defense: 232
- Stamina: 111
- Weather Boosts: Partly Cloudy and Sunny
All of Onix’s movesets in Pokemon GO
In raids, Onix can utilize a variety of moves, both Fast and Charged. Here’s a breakdown of its possible moves:
Fast Moves:
- Rock Throw (Rock)
- Tackle (Normal)
Charged Moves:
- Stone Edge (Rock)
- Rock Slide (Rock)
- Breaking Swipe (Dragon)
- Heavy Slam (Steel)
- Sand Tomb (Ground)
Knowing these moves helps in selecting Pokemon that resist or take minimal damage from Onix’s attacks.
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Pokemon GO Onix: Weaknesses and resistances

Onix’s Rock/Ground typing gives it several notable weaknesses and resistances:
Onix’s weaknesses
- Water (256%)
- Grass (256%)
- Ice (160%)
- Fighting (160%)
- Ground (160%)
- Steel (160%)
Onix takes lesser damage or is resistant to the following types:
- Electric (39.1%)
- Poison (39.1%)
- Fire (62.5%)
- Flying (62.5%)
- Normal (62.5%)
- Rock (62.5%)
Best counters for Onix in Pokemon GO
To take down Onix efficiently, consider using Pokemon that can exploit its weaknesses with high CP and optimal move sets. Here are some top choices:
- Kyogre (Waterfall and Surf)
- Mega Venusaur (Vine Whip and Solar Beam)
- Shaymin (Magical Leaf and Solar Beam)
- Mega Sceptile (Bullet Seed and Frenzy Plant)
- Mega Swampert (Water Gun and Hydro Cannon)
- Victreebel (Magical Leaf and Solar Beam)
- Mega Blastoise (Water Gun and Hydro Cannon)
- Tangrowth (Vine Whip and Solar Beam)
- Kartana (Razor Leaf and Leaf Blade)
- Porygon-Z (Hidden Power and Solar Beam)
- Shadow Sharpedo (Waterfall and Hydro Pump)
- Shadow Feraligatr (Water Gun and Hydro Cannon)
- Zarude (Vine Whip and Power Whip)
- Shadow Exeggutor (Bullet Seed and Solar Beam)
- Primal Groudon (Mud Shot and Solar Beam)
- Shadow Ho-Oh (Hidden Power and Solar Beam)
- Roserade (Magical Leaf and Solar Beam)
- Gyarados (Waterfall and Hydro Pump)
- Meowscarada (Leafage and Grass Knot)
- Shadow Alola Exeggutor (Bullet Seed and Solar Beam)
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Additional tips for Onix Raid

- Weather boosts: Utilize weather conditions to your advantage. Rainy weather boosts Water type moves, while Sunny weather boosts Grass type moves.
- Team composition: Assemble a team with a mix of Water and Grass types to cover all bases and adapt to Onix’s moveset.
- Dodging: Learn to dodge Onix’s Charged Moves, especially Stone Edge, which can deal significant damage.
- Utilize the game's gimmicks: Make the best of Mega and Shadow Pokemon for a smoother win at these Raids.
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The Onix raid in Pokemon GO presents a fun challenge for trainers. By understanding Onix’s best moveset and weaknesses, and selecting the right counters, you can efficiently defeat this Rock Snake Pokemon.
Equip your team with powerful Water, Grass, and Ice types, and you should be on your way to victory.
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