The Pokemon GO PokeStop Showcase March 2025 schedule will slowly be revealed over the course of the new month. We are stepping into the final month of the Season of Max Out. The March 2025 Pokemon GO infographic can hint at who the featured pocket monsters might be.
So, what does the PokeStop Showcase schedule look like for this month?
Pokemon GO PokeStop Showcase March 2025 date, time, and all featured Pokemon
Based on the currently available information, Pokemon GO trainers can expect to encounter the following PokeStop Showcases in March 2025:
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
We will update this article when more information becomes available regarding upcoming Pokemon GO PokeStop Showcases.
Also Check:- Pokemon Go Evolution Calculator
How to enter a Pokemon in PokeStop Showcase in Pokemon GO
When you are in the range of PokeStop where a Showcase is active, you can enter a Pokemon through the 'Showcase' button. If you catch the featured Pokemon of a particular Showcase while in the range of the said PokeStop Showcase, you will get the option to 'Enter Nearby PokeStop Showcase' on the Pokemon summary.
PokeStop Showcase Judging Criteria
According to the Pokemon GO wiki, the following judging criteria are currently in place for PokeStop Showcases in Pokemon GO:
Biggest Size
Score = ({Scaled Height x 800} / Max Height) + ({Scaled Weight x 150} / Max Weight) + ({IV Sum x 50} / 45) + Bonus
- Scaled Height = Individual Pokemon Height / Pokedex height
- Max Height = 1.55, 1.75, or 2.00 (based on specific species)
- Scaled Weight = Individual Pokemon Weight / Pokedex Weight
- Max Weight = 2.05, 2.25, or 2.50 (based on specific species)
- IV Sum = Attack IV + Defense IV + Stamina IV
- Bonus = 178, provided the selected Pokemon is XXL, otherwise 0
Also Check:- Pokemon Type Calculator
PokeStop Showcase rewards
Items, Stardust, and XP are given as rewards. The item bundles are exclusive to the top three. The reported item bundle rewards are:
- Great Ball
- Ultra Ball
- Hyper Potion
- Fast TM
- Charged TM
- Silver Pinap Berry
- Golden Razz berry
- Lure Module
- Glacial Lure Module
- Mossy Lure Module
- Magnetic Lure Module
- Rainy Lure Module
- Lucky Egg
- Star Piece
- Incense
- Incubator
- Super Incubator
Past PokeStop Showcase featured Pokemon
Some of the previous Pokemon GO PokeStop Showcases are as follows:
- Fomantis
- Squirtle
- Snorlax
- Amaura
- Tyrunt
- Politoed
- Poliwrath
- Poliwag
- Petilil
- Cacnea
- Oddish
- Seedot
- Greninja
- Froakie
- Dragalge
- Skrelp
- Goomy
- Rayquaza
- Charmander
- Charizard
- Lechonk
- Nymble
- Pawmi
- Oddish
- Spoink
- Grubbin
- Vikabolt
- Growlithe
- Hisuian Growlithe
- Pikachu
- Smoliv
- Timburr
- Conkeldurr
- Shuppet
- Banette
- Phantump
- Greavard
- Drifloon
- Duskull
- Gothita
- Mareanie
- Litwick
- Tadbulb
- Sprigatito
- Fuecoco
- Quaxly
- Mareep
- Ampharos
- Lechonk
- Sneasel
- Hisuian Sneasel
- Cryogonal
- Ditto
- Voltorb
- Krabby
- Ponyta
- Vulpix
- Noibat
- Fennekin
- Chespin
- Togetic
- Galarian Slowpoke
- Slowpoke
- Grubbin
- Froakie
- Axew
- Timburr
- Paldean Wooper
- Wooper
- Kecleon
- Cetoddle
- Delibird
- Wyrdeer
- Psyduck
- Vanillite
- Jigglypuff
- Decidueye
- Rowlet
- Rockruff
- Lycanroc
- Porygon
- Annihilape
- Primeape
- Mankey
- Scraggy
- Pancham
- Varoom
- Chansey
- Blissey
- Happiny
- Drampa
- Turtonator
- Druddigon
- Hisuian Decidueye
- Luvdisc
- Oricorio
- Mantyke
- Bonsly
- Riolu
- Munchlax
- Chingling
- Origin Forme Dialga
- Origin Forme Palkia
- Quaxly
- Fuecoco
- Sprigatito
- Pikachu
- Castform
- Incineroar
- Flabebe
- Wailmer
- Tynamo
- Bagon
- Salamence
- Cleffa
- Emolga
- Goomy
- Goodra
- Komala
- Crabrawler
- Cyndaquil
- Typhlosion
- Bulbasaur
- Charmander
- Squirtle
- Eevee
- Grimer
- Meltan
- Ducklett
- Tynamo
- Eelektross
- Lucario
- Tyrunt
- Amaura
- Tirtouga
- Archen
- Mienfoo
- Popplio
- Primarina
- Grookey
- Scorbunny
- Sobble
- Skwovet
- Wooloo
- Ponyta
- Oranguru
- Passimian
- Morelull
- Hatenna
- Zacian
- Froakie
- Rowlet
- Morpeko
- Yamask
- Galarian Yamask
- Magnemite
- Plusle
- Minun
- Mawile
- Zamazenta
- Galarian Slowpoke
- Galarian Slowbro
- Galarian Slowking
- Gastly
- Gengar
- Venusaur
- Charizard
- Blastoise
- Mankey
- Annihilape
- Smoliv
- Arboliva
- Pichu
- Budew
- Dialga
- Palkia
- Toxel
- Toxtricity
- Jigglypuff
- Hoothoot
- Sprigatito
- Meowscarada
- Poochyena
- Lillipup
- Rockruff
- Butterfree
- Absol
- Furfrou
- Wooper
- Blitzle
- Minccino
- Sneasel
- Croagunk
- Steel-type
- Ralts
- Gardevoir
- Rookidee
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- Ditto disguises
- Buddy evolution Adventure Together guide
- Best Fast Attacks in Pokemon GO
- Sierra counters
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