Pokemon GO's Ultra Unlock - Better Together event hosts a multitude of different 1-Star Raid Boss options. These raids are typically very easy for players to complete, with many opting to complete them for the chance of premium rewards or the off chance of finding a Shiny Pokemon.
Nevertheless, there may be some players who are either new to the concept of Raid Battles who may want to start small, as well as veteran trainers looking to sweep through these fights as fast as possible. Here is everything to know about stomping Pokemon GO's current 1-Star Raid Bosses.
Pokemon GO Ultra Unlock - Better Together 1-Star raid guide

Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Analyzing each of the four Raid Bosses, both forms of Unown are pure Psychic-types. Alolan Grimer is a Dark- and Poison-type, and Hisuian Growlithe is a Fire- and Rock-type. Both Alolan Grimer and Hisuian Growlithe are both weak to Ground-type attacks, while both forms of Unown are weak to Dark-, Ghost-, and Bug-type attacks.
Since Unown are incredibly weak creatures, since they are only meant to be collected as a side objective, and the other bosses are unevolved Pokemon, they should be incredibly easy to take down with just one or two monsters.
How to counter Unown Raid Bosses in Pokemon GO

Both forms of Unown are essentially the same creature, just with different appearances, so they can be taken down with identical strategies. Mega Beedrill, Mega Tyranitar, and Mega Absol are all great choices for Mega Evolutions to use if players want to absolutely obliterate these Raid Bosses since their Dark- and Bug-type attacks would most likely finish them in seconds.
More modest options like Umbreon, Weavile, or Alolan Raticate will also be decent choices for players without access to the best possible Legendaries or Mythical Pokemon. Additionally, players who feel like grinding out these raids could potentially be rewarded with a shiny variant of whatever Unown they defeated.
How to counter Hisuian Growlithe and Alolan Grimer in Pokemon GO

Alolan Grimer and Hisuian Growlithe are both weak to Ground-type attacks. Luckily, some of the creatures that are capable of dealing the most damage in Raid Battles are Ground-types, so many hardcore raiders should already have access to them. Monsters like Excadrill, Primal Groudon, Mega Swampert, Mega Garchomp, and Mamoswine are all solid choices for this fight.
For the more casual playerbase, basic Ground-type choices like Marowak, Camerupt, Flygon, or Quagsire should be good enough to take down both of these bosses with minimal effort. Additionally, much like the Unown Raid Bosses, players who are ambitious enough to grind out these fights could potentially find a shiny variant of the boss they fought.
For more information on Pokemon GO, check out our other articles:
- Ultra Unlock - Better Together shiny guide
- Better Together Timed Reseach: Tandemaus encounters
- What's coming to Pokemon GO in August 2024?
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