With a new month finally here, many Pokemon GO players may be on the edge of their seats wondering what the new month of November 2021 has to offer.
With every new month comes a new wave of 5,3, and 1-star Raid bosses, but what will November bring for the trainers looking forward to the month to come?
Upcoming raids in Pokemon GO (November 2021)

Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Starting off the month are the 5-star Darkrai Raids. Darkrai has been and will be available from October 22 to November 5. What makes this Darkrai so special is the fact that this specific Darkrai has access to the move Sludge Bomb.
This is desirable for many players because it provides coverage against the Fairy-type Pokemon that gives Darkrai a difficult time in PvP.

The next 5-star Raid in November is the legendary trio from the Unova region, Terrakion, Virizion, and Cobalion. These three Fighting types will be valuable to add to anyone's Pokemon GO team due to the overabundance of Steel-type Pokemon that dominate all of the tiers of the Battle League. The trio will be available from November 5 to November 16.

The next 5-star Raid in November is Cresselia. Cresselia is infamous for being one of the tankiest Psychic-type Pokemon in the franchise. This holds true in Pokemon GO, as Cresselia has a massive defense stat of 258 and a stamina stat of 260. Cresselia will be available from November 16 to December 1.

The Mega Raids for this month are also different from those in October; however, to start the month, Mega Absol will still be available until November 5.
Afterwards, Mega Manectric will be available to challenge. Trainers looking to participate in the raid should be mindful of Manectric's major Ground-type weakness. Excadrill or even Groudon would be effective counters. Mega Manectric will be available until November 16.

After Mega Manectric, Mega Lopunny will be available to challenge. Mega Lopunny is a Normal and Fighting-type and is countered by other Fighting-type Pokemon as well as Psychic and Flying-type Pokemon. Reuniclus or another bulky Psychic-type are ideal to bring to this battle. Mega Lopunny will be available until December 1.
For 1-star Raids, the Pokemon returning this month in Pokemon GO are Pumpkaboo, Murkrow, Phantump, and both forms of Yamask. As a majority of these are Ghost-types, players are recommended to use a powerful Ghost-type Pokemon like Gengar to overpower the boss. For Murkrow, a Rock or Electric-type Pokemon is recommended.
Much like the 1-star Raids for Pokemon GO in November, the 3-star Raids for the next month are comprised of Ghost-type Pokemon. The Pokemon included are Banette, Alolan Marowak, Lampent, and the exclusive Season of Mischief Drifblim.
The upcoming month will undoubtedly be one of the best for Pokemon GO players looking to catch a new set of legendary Pokemon as well as test their mettle against Mega Evolved Pokemon.
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