Coming to Pokemon GO on June 30th, 2021, Regigigas will be making its presence known even more as it becomes the subject of the upcoming Raid Hour.
From 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. local time, a huge uptick in Tier 5 raids featuring Regigigas will be present in Pokemon GO for players who have missed out on opportunities to defeat and catch the master of Pokemon's Legendary Titans. Since it is such a high tier raid boss, it should come as no surprise that Regigigas is a tough Pokemon to beat. As one of the strongest Normal-type Legendary Pokemon, it only has one elemental weakness and receives standard damage from every other elemental type.
Pokemon GO: Great counters to defeat Regigigas

Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
One of Pokemon GO's beefiest Normal-type Pokemon, Regigigas will take a significant amount of punishment before falling in a raid and giving players an opportunity to capture it. In order to deal super effective damage and whittle down Regigigas' HP before time runs out, Pokemon GO players will want to focus on Pokemon using Fighting-type moves. The most obvious candidates to do this are Fighting-type Pokemon, but there are others that can use the moves and still deal great damage in the process.
In order to deal optimal damage to Regigigas in a raid, players and their teammates can try these excellent Pokemon and move counters:
- Lucario
- Conkledurr
- Machamp
- Breloom
- Mega Gengar
- Hariyama
- Mega Lopunny
- Toxicroak
- Blaziken
- Heracross
- Sirfetch'd
- Cobalion
- Mewtwo
- Emboar
- Therian Landorus
- Gallade
- Sawk
- Yveltal
- Pangoro
- Terrakion
- Chesnaught
- Primeape
Fast moves
- Counter
- Karate Chop
- Low Kick
Charged moves
- Aura Sphere (Lucario only)
- Close Combat
- Focus Blast
- Dynamic Punch
- Sacred Sword (Cobalion only)
- Superpower
As indicated by the list, Fighting-type Pokemon and moves are the way to take down Regigigas fast. There are of course exceptions that still deal exceptional damage (Mewtwo, Mega Charizard X/Y), but honing in on Fighting-type damage will exploit Regigigas' one elemental weakness. When done so by an entire Pokemon GO raid team, Regigigas' significant amount of HP isn't nearly as daunting as it appears. Considering this, players will likely want to beat Regigigas as many times as they can during the raid hour. To snag the best IVs they can get from this Pokemon, it doesn't hurt to fight and win quickly.
Read More: How to catch shiny Aipom in Pokemon GO
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