On February 15, 2023, from 6 pm to 7 pm EST, Pokemon GO trainers will be able to find the Rock-type titan Regirock in 5-star raids. Given Regirock's rarity as a Legendary Pokemon, its upcoming Raid Hour event should present an excellent opportunity to catch the creature.
Not only can Regirock be defeated and captured in raids during this Raid Hour event, but any time a player catches Regirock, it'll have the powerful Ground-type move Earthquake as its Charged Move. Lucky Pokemon GO trainers who take on Regirock may even find its shiny form, so there are plenty of incentives to battle this mighty titan during Raid Hour.
However, if players take on Regirock in raids, they'll need a battle team capable of countering it.
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Top move and Pokemon counters to Regirock in Pokemon GO

Regirock often falls prey to Fighting, Grass, Water, Ground, and Steel-type moves in the mainline series and Pokemon GO. This should provide players with plenty of options to counter the Rock-type titan in raids. Furthermore, players with Mega Energy stored up for some of their Pokemon may want to consider using it. A Mega-Evolved Pokemon can deal heavy damage to raid boss Regirock in relatively short order. However, this isn't necessarily required with the right team of counters.
Top Pokemon counters to Regirock
- Mega Swampert
- Mega Sceptile
- Mega Blaziken
- Mega Blastoise
- Mega Venusaur
- Mega Gyarados
- Mega Lopunny
- Mega Aggron
- Mega Scizor
- Mega Steelix
- Mega Abomasnow
- Terrakion
- Kartana
- Metagross
- Lucario
- Keldeo
- Kingler
- Zarude
- Garchomp
- Kyogre
- Landorus
- Groudon
- Pheromosa
- Excadrill
- Empoleon
- Conkeldurr
- Mamoswine
- Rhyperior
Top Move Counters to Regirock
- Water Gun
- Counter
- Vine Whip
- Waterfall
- Double Kick
- Iron Tail
- Bullet Punch
- Razor Leaf
- Low Kick
- Bubble
- Mud Shot
- Mud-Slap
- Metal Claw
- Steel Wing
- Hydro Cannon
- Frenzy Plant
- Focus Blast
- Hydro Pump
- Heavy Slam
- Iron Head
- Solar Beam
- Sacred Sword
- Leaf Blade
- Earthquake
- Meteor Smash
- Aura Sphere
- Crabhammer
- Energy Ball
- Power Whip
- Surf
- Earth Power
- Dynamic Punch
- High Horsepower
While having counters to Regirock is a significant first step, Pokemon GO trainers will also need to bring along some friends, in all likelihood. A 5-star raid boss isn't the type of foe most players will be capable of taking on alone. However, if the entire raid party of trainers utilizes the right counters to Regirock, it should fall in short order.
In addition to bringing along some fellow players, it's wise to stock up on healing items as much as possible. This includes Potions and Revives, as 5-star raid bosses can knock out opponents pretty handily in Pokemon GO. However, even a creature with as high of a defense stat and CP as Regirock will fall when it is dealt enough super-effective damage.
After it falls, all that's left to do is use the provided Premier Balls at the end of the raid to catch Regirock. It may be a good idea also to pop a Golden Razz Berry or two for good measure, as Legendary Pokemon in Pokemon GO tend to have a lower catch rate than their standard counterparts.
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