The Pokemon GO Scorching Steps event is on the horizon and you must be prepared to enjoy it while playing. You can participate in the Scorching Sands event from Friday, June 21, 2024, at 10 AM local time, through Tuesday, June 25, 2024, at 8 PM local time. There are a lot of cool bonuses and brand-new Pokemon making their debut in this event. So, you should not miss it.
In this article, we will walk you through the best tips for the Pokemon GO Scorching Steps event to help you make the most out of it.
All Pokemon GO Scorching Steps event bonuses

Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
You will enjoy the following bonuses during the Scorching Steps event:
- You will get 2x Candies for the monsters you hatch from eggs during this event.
- You will get a 0.5x Egg Hatch Distance bonus for Eggs incubated during the event.
- You will get a 0.25x Egg Hatch Distance bonus for the first three Eggs incubated using the Pokemon GO Hatching Widget during the event.
- You will have increased chances of hatching Shiny Litleo and Shiny Slugma.
Egg hatch pool during the Pokemon GO Scorching Steps event
2 km Egg hatch pool
You can get the following Pokemon from 2 km Eggs:
- Growlithe
- Slugma
- Houndour
- Magby
- Larvesta
5 km Egg hatch pool
You can get the following Pokemon from 5 km Eggs:
- Hisuian Growlithe
- Darumaka
- Litwick
- Larvesta
- Litleo
10 km Egg hatch pool
You can get the following Pokemon from 10 km Eggs:
- Larvesta
- Turtonator
- Charcadet
Also read: Pokemon GO Egg hatches Shared Skies: 2 km, 5 km, 7 km, 10 km, and Adventure Sync rewards
Best tips for the Pokemon GO Scorching Steps event

As mentioned in the bonuses, you will get a 0.25x Egg Hatch Distance bonus for the first three Eggs incubated using the Pokemon GO Egg Hatching widget. So, adding the widget to your home screen is highly advisable. Read on to learn how to add the Pokemon GO Egg Hatching widget to your screen.
Since this is an Egg Hatching event, it is crucial to have Incubators in your inventory. If you are free-to-play, you should earn some PokeCoins from Pokemon Gyms. You can then use the PokeCoins to buy Incubators from the store if you want to hatch eggs and hunt for a monster of your liking.
Larvesta will be available but you will have to be extremely lucky to get one from the Eggs. It won't be an easy Pokemon to get. So, don't be disheartened if you fail to hatch one during the event. The majority of the players may be in the same boat as you.
How to get the Pokemon GO Egg Hatching widget?
iOS users
You can get the widget on your screen by following these simple steps:
- Long-press on an empty area on your home screen.
- Tap on the + icon on the top left of your screen.
- Search for Pokemon GO and from here you can add the Egg Hatching widget on your screen.
Android users
The process is pretty similar for Android users:
- Touch and hold an empty area on your screen.
- Tap on the Widget button.
- Press and hold the Pokemon GO widget.
- Place it on the screen you want the widget to be.
That concludes everything you need to know about the Pokemon GO Scorching Steps event. Read our other Pokemon GO articles:
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- Buddy Evolution Adventure Together guide
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