The Pokemon GO Shadow Ho-Oh Raid Day offers trainers an opportunity to encounter and catch the featured creature. The event runs from 2 pm to 5 pm local time on January 19, 2025, and Trainers who get a Shadow Ho-Oh may want to find out its best moveset to use in battles. This is the perfect like to teach the Rainbow Pokemon the Charged Attack Sacred Fire since this event allows it to learn the move using a Charged TM.
If a Shadow Ho-Oh knows the right set of moves, it is quite effective in Gyms, Raids, and different formats of the GO Battle League. This article takes a look at Pokemon GO Shadow Ho-Oh’s best moveset, counters, and competitive viability.
Pokemon GO Shadow Ho-Oh’s best moveset

Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Shadow Ho-Oh best moveset in PvP
- Fast Attack: Incinerate
- Charged Attacks: Brave Bird and Sacred Fire
Shadow Ho-Oh best moveset in PvE
- Fast Attack: Incinerate
- Charged Attack: Brave Bird
Is Shadow Ho-Oh good in Pokemon GO PvP and PvE?
Shadow Ho-Oh in Pokemon GO PvP
Shadow Ho-Oh has outstanding attacking power. Thus, contenders with average Defense stat suffer from its Fast and Charged Attack damage. The Rainbow Pokemon's moves can also hit a wide array of creatures.
Shadow Ho-Oh can resist and withstand multiple attacks thanks to its Defense and Stamina. However, it is still vulnerable to Rock-type attacks. So, when you see these moves being used in the GO Battle League, switch the creature out quickly to try and nullify the threat.
According to PvPoke, Pokemon GO Shadow Ho-Oh’s PvP ratings are as follows:
- Great League: #440
- Ultra League: #167
- Master League: #13
Shadow Ho-Oh in Pokemon GO PvE
You can use Shadow Ho-Oh as a Fire- or Flying-type attacker for both Raids and Gyms. Just teach it the best moves, and you are good to participate in these battles. However, since it is a Legendary Pokemon, you cannot place it in a Gym to defend challengers.
Also read: Pokemon GO Shadow Ho-Oh raid guide: Weaknesses and best counters
Pokemon GO Shadow Ho-Oh: All moves and stats

Fast Attacks
- Steel Wing
- Extrasensory
- Hidden Power
- Incinerate
Charged Attacks
- Earthquake
- Fire Blast
- Solar Beam
- Brave Bird
- Frustration
- Scared Fire
Base stats
- Max CP: 4367
- Attack: 239
- Defense: 244
- Stamina: 216
Also read: Is Ho-Oh with Sacred Fire good in Pokemon GO PvP and PvE?
Pokemon GO Shadow Ho-Oh’s weaknesses and resistances

Its weaknesses are:
- Rock
- Electric
- Water
Its resistances are:
- Fairy
- Fighting
- Fire
- Ground
- Steel
- Bug
- Grass
Also, check out our Pokemon Type Calculator.
Counters to Pokemon GO Shadow Ho-Oh
Great League counters: Carbink, Shadow Quagsire, Toxapex, Lickilicky, Greninja, Bibarel, Guzzlord, Feraligatr, Dunsparce, and Stunfisk.
Ultra League counters: Giratina Altered, Shadow Feraligatr, Tentacruel, Talonflame, Goliscopod, Typhlosion, Galarian Moltres, Malamar, and Shadow Dragonite.
Master League counters: Origin Palkia, Rhyperior, Kyogre, Dragonite, Therian Landorus, Yveltal, Dawn Wings Necrozma, Complete Zygarde, Origin Giratina, and Primarina.
PvE counters:
- Mega Tyranitar: Smack Down and Stone Edge
- Mega Aerodactyl: Rock Throw and Rock Slide
- Mega Diancie: Rock Throw and Rock Slide
- Shadow Rhyperior: Smack Down and Rock Wrecker
- Primal Kyogre: Water Fall and Origin Pulse
- Shadow Gigalith: Smack Down and Rock Slide
- Tyrantrum: Rock Throw and Meteor Beam
- Terrakion: Smack Down and Rock Slide
- Mega Blastoise: Water Gun and Hydro Cannon
- Regirock: Rock Throw and Stone Edge
Also read: Can you solo defeat Shadow Ho-Oh in Pokemon GO 5-star Shadow Raids?
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