Pokemon GO's Shadow Pokemon are perfect fits as raid attackers thanks in part to their 20% increase in their attack damage. However, the base stats, movesets, and elemental types of various Shadow Pokemon still matter, and some shadows are better options overall than their counterparts. While the raid meta will continue to change, the pecking order of Shadow Pokemon as raid attackers has formed.
With that in mind, it might not be a bad idea to establish a tier list that separates the best Shadow Pokemon for Pokemon GO raids from those that don't perform quite as well. It should be noted that any tier list is subjective by and large, and this list may take many forms as the raid meta continues to evolve.
Note: This article is solely based on the writer's opinions.
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Pokemon GO Shadow Pokemon Raid Attacker Tier List (March 2025)

S-Tier Shadow Pokemon are some of Pokemon GO's premier raid attackers, dealing immense volumes of damage. They can typically take some punishment as well. These Pocket Monsters either excel at attacking with certain elements, or they have enough versatility to take on various raid bosses of different types. Whatever the case, this tier features the cream of the Shadow Pokemon crop.
S-Tier Shadow Pokemon Raid Attackers
- Groudon
- Mewtwo
- Chandelure
- Conkeldurr
- Dragonite
- Mamoswine
- Metagross
- Rampardos
- Rhyperior
- Palkia
- Salamence
- Tyranitar
- Excadrill
- Raikou
- Kyogre

While they may not have the sheer damage output or versatility of the S-Tier raid attackers in Pokemon GO, the A-Tier options are still more than worthy of being used. They can still pump out more than enough DPS to take down enemy raid bosses and can be plenty durable and versatile in their own right. However, they do sometimes get outclassed by S-Tier options in certain situations.
A-Tier Shadow Pokemon Raid Attackers
- Ho-Oh
- Electivire
- Darmanitan
- Machamp
- Moltres
- Swampert
- Weavile
- Heatran
- Magnezone
- Latios
- Zapdos

As raid attackers, B-Tier Shadow Pokemon may have some shortcomings, but they are still solid and consistent when used effectively against the right raid boss. They may not deal blinding amounts of damage and may faint a bit more often due to somewhat more lackluster durability, but these Shadow Pokemon can still perform well in a raid team and overcome their flaws.
B-Tier Shadow Pokemon Raid Attackers
- Blaziken
- Entei
- Aerodactyl
- Gardevoir
- Latios
- Honchkrow
- Sceptile
- Staraptor
- Tangrowth
- Gengar
- Luxray
- Alakazam
- Charizard
- Feraligatr

C-Tier Shadow Pokemon can serve in a decent role as raid attackers and can take on 1-star and 3-star raids well enough. However, they're not typically well-suited for 5-star raids or above. They often languish a bit in DPS unless they're directly countering an enemy raid boss, or they may not have the versatile movesets or durability to be of much use over a prolonged raid.
Still, they're not useless, which is worth noting. When paired with other quality raid attackers in Pokemon GO, they can still be effective.
C-Tier Shadow Pokemon Raid Attackers
- Articuno
- Alolan Exeggutor
- Alolan Golem
- Blastoise
- Empoleon
- Golem
- Golurk
- Lugia
- Gyarados
- Granbull
- Pinsir
- Manectric
- Torterra
- Typhlosion
- Toxicroak
- Venusaur
- Victreebel
- Unfezant
- Houndoom
- Exeggutor

All in all, Shadow Pokemon raid attackers in the D-Tier are average at best. They can perform decently in lower-end raids but are simply not well-equipped to take on 4-star raids and above. D-Tier options tend to suffer with their base stats, don't always have quality learnable Fast and Charged Moves, or may simply be better for PvP due to defensive stat leanings.
While the D-Tier Shadow Pokemon might be useful in a pinch, they shouldn't be relied upon heavily as there are better alternatives worth pursuing.
D-Tier Shadow Pokemon Raid Attackers
- Abomasnow
- Aggron
- Alolan Ninetales
- Cacturne
- Ampharos
- Arcanine
- Banette
- Flygon
- Latias
- Magmortar
- Regigigas
- Scizor
- Sharpedo
- Mismagius
- Porygon-Z
- Shiftry
- Skuntank
- Vileplume
- Hippowdon
- Alolan Muk
- Gallade
- Cloyster
- Drifblim
- Muk
- Kingdra
- Walrein
- Zebstrika
- Scyther
- Donphan
- Hariyama
- Absol
- Omastar
As previously noted, this tier list is a subjective analysis of Shadow Pokemon based on their stats, movesets, elemental type combinations, and usage in the raid meta. Changes in the PvE meta in the future may result in this tier list being adjusted accordingly.
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