Pokemon GO Shadow Regirock will make its return to Shadow Raids, which will take place every weekend (Saturday and Sunday) in February 2025. After obtaining a Shadow Regirock, you may want to teach it the best moveset to get the most out of its power. It boasts a boosted Attack stat as well as excellent Defense and Stamina stats, allowing it to take hits from many moves.
Shadow Regirock has access to three different types of Fast Attacks and five Charged Attacks. Below is everything about Pokemon GO Shadow Regirock’s best moveset, counters, and how it performs in PvP and PvE battles.
Pokemon GO Shadow Regirock's best moveset

Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Pokemon GO Shadow Regirock best PvP moveset
- Fast Attack: Lock-On
- Charged Attacks: Stone Edge and Focus Blast
Pokemon GO Shadow Regirock best PvE moveset
Rock-type attacker
- Fast Attack: Rock Throw
- Charged Attack: Stone Edge
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Is Shadow Regirock good in Pokemon GO PvP and PvE?
Shadow Regirock in Pokemon GO PvP
Each of Shadow Regirock’s Charged Attack, excluding Frustration, require 100 energy to hit an opposing Pokemon. Therefore, it must know Lock-On, which doesn’t deal super-effective damage, to build up the necessary energy for its Charged Attacks to work. Also, it is worth pointing out that it is weak to five different types of moves.
Despite these vulnerabilities, Shadow Regirock absorbs damage from multiple attacks during the energy charging period due to its high Defense and Stamina stats. For all the stated reasons, this Rock- and Dark-type Pokemon with its best moveset is solid for the Ultra League.
Here is the rating of Pokemon GO Shadow Regirock in the major formats of the GO Battle League:
- Great League: #133
- Ultra League: #31
- Master League: #99
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Shadow Regirock in Pokemon GO PvE

Shadow Regirock must know those moves that deal the highest damage in Raids, meaning Rock Throw and Stone Edge are ideal choices for this purpose. These two attacks deal 283.99 total damage without the effect of Weather Boost.
But, this level of damage is not sufficient to defeat powerful Raid Bosses. Since you can only use one Charged Attack, Rock Throw will not allow Shadow Regirock’s Stone Edge to get the necessary energy in time to fire off. As such, it has no viability in Raids.
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This Shadow Legendary Pokemon cannot be placed in a Gym. But, you can still use it to deal with Flying-, Bug-, Ice-, and Fire-type Gym defenders.
Pokemon GO Shadow Regirock: All moves and stats
Fast Attacks
- Rock Throw
- Rock Smash
- Lock-On
Charged Attacks
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Focus Blast
- Zap Cannon
- Frustration
Base stats:
- Max CP: 3530
- Attack: 179
- Defense: 309
- Stamina: 190
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Pokemon GO Shadow Regirock: Weaknesses and strengths

Its weaknesses are:
- Fighting
- Grass
- Ground
- Steel
- Water
Its resistances are:
- Fire
- Flying
- Normal
- Poison
It deals super-effective damage to the following Pokemon types:
- Flying
- Bug
- Fire
- Ice
Counters to Pokemon GO Shadow Regirock
Great League counters: Shadow Quagsire, Bibarel, Primeape, Feraligatr, Shadow Feraligatr, Greninja, Serperior, Shadow Marowak, and Clodsire.
Ultra League counters: Pangoro, Shadow Golurk, Annihilape, Shadow Nidoqueen, Poliwrath, Gliscor, Venusaur, Malamar, and Virizion.
Master League counters: Shadow Rhyperior, Melmetal, Rhyperior, Groudon, Complete Forme Zygarde, Zarude, Therian Landorus, and Kyogre.
PvE counters:
- Dusk Mane Necrozma: Metal Claw and Sunsteel Strike
- Primal Groudon: Mud Shot and Precipice Blades
- Primal Kyogre: Waterfall and Origin Pulse
- Mega Garchomp: Mud Shot and Earth Power
- Therian Forme Landorus: Mud Shot and Sandsear Storm
- Mega Swampert: Water Gun and Hydro Cannon
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