The Pokemon GO Adventures Abound season brings back Raikou, Entei, and Suicune in Raid Battles and Raid Hour. The former will last from 10 am local time on September 23 till 10 am local time on October 6, 2023. The latter will be held from 6 pm to 7 pm local time on September 27 and October 4, 2023.
This raid presents an excellent opportunity to acquire Electric, Fire, and Water-type Legendaries. Given their typing, they will be a powerful force for both PvP and PvE battle scenarios.
These raids provide a chance to encounter the Shiny variants of the featured monsters. To get them, you must first defeat them in the Raid Battle. By formulating a strategy, inviting four to five friends in raids with the best possible counters, you can take them down and find Shiny Raikou, Shiny Entei, and Shiny Suicune.
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Pokemon GO: How to get Shiny Raikou, weaknesses, best counters, and more

You must first defeat Raikou in Pokemon GO 5-star raids to get Shiny Raikou. Each creature has specific weaknesses and resistance. While Raikou is only weak to Ground-type attacks, it resists Electric, Flying, and Steel-type moves. You can disregard its resistance and focus on exploiting its weak points in raids.
Raikou’s power level is impressive, with an attack-centric stat spread of 241 Attack Power, 195 Defense, and 207 Stamina. It is an outstanding battle addition boasting a max Combat Power (CP) of 3902. When Niantic introduces it in raids, its CP is significantly boosted. Pokemon GO Gyms that are favorable to Rainy Weather conditions further increase its power. That said, you must attempt the raid by considering all these factors.
This Electric-type fighter is only weak to Ground-type moves. So, your battle roster must emphasize Ground-type counters. You can use Mega counters to strengthen your team, but If you can't access them, prioritize Shadow and regular counters. Here is the list of counters to beat Raikou in 5-star raids.
Pokemon GO: How to get Shiny Entei, weaknesses, best counters, and more

You must bring down Entei in 5-star raids for a chance to encounter Shiny Entei in Pokemon GO. However, the Shiny form isn’t a guaranteed encounter. But to increase Shiny odds, you can partake multiple times in this raid.
Due to its typing, Entei is weak to Ground, Rock, and Water-type moves, while it resists Bug, Fairy, Fire, Grass, Steel, and Ice-type moves. To beat Entei and encounter its shiny form, you must disregard its resistance and focus on its weaknesses. Raikou’s max CP can reach up to 3926 in the game. However, its CP is dramatically boosted due to raids and weather effects.
The best way to win the raid is by adding Mega Evolved Pokemon to your battle team. You ensure your success in this battle by focusing on counters that Entei is weak to. Here is the table to show the best counters to defeat Entei.
Pokemon GO: How to get Shiny Suicune, weaknesses, best counters, and more

By winning the 5-star raid against Suicune, you might encounter Shiny Suicune in Pokemon GO. Although you can get your hands on the regular variant, you must get lucky to find a Shiny. So, exploiting the boss’ weaknesses during this raid is crucial to improving your hunting experience.
Suicune resists Water, Steel, Ice, and Fire-type moves thanks to its elemental typing. Since moves of these types won’t damage the boss significantly, you must use Electric and Grass-type attacks. As usual, the hosting raid and the Weather effect will dramatically increase its CP. For that reason, you must add powerhouses that can perfectly counter Suicune, including Mega and Shadow.
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