With a new month comes a new rotation of battle Pokemon in Pokemon GO for Team GO Rocket's members, including their leadership like Arlo, Cliff, Sierra, and the team's boss Giovanni.
Sierra's battle team in Pokemon GO this December isn't her toughest, but it still shouldn't be taken lightly. Her initial Pokemon amounts to a pushover, but her team grows stronger gradually as trainers defeat her, with her strongest Pokemon kept for her third and final team slot.
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Fortunately, Sierra's team has more than a few counters, move and Pokemon wise, and defeating her team of Shadow Pokemon shouldn't be too difficult compared to her comrades or her previous teams.
Pokemon GO: Countering each of Sierra's potential Pokemon

Sierra's current Pokemon GO team will always begin with Shadow Nidoran♀, which can be quickly and efficiently dispatched with just about any Pokemon that isn't overly weak to Poison-type moves that the Shadow Nido tends to have.
However, once her first Pokemon is defeated, Sierra's second and third Pokemon choices are based on a percentage of chance, which means players won't immediately know what comes next. Regardless, players can always back out of the fight and re-attempt fighting Sierra in Pokemon GO if their team doesn't counter hers well.
A list of great Pokemon GO counters against each of Sierra's Pokemon picks (and the picks' chances of appearing) can be found below:
Nidoran♀ (1st Slot) (100%)
- Mewtwo (Confusion/Psystrike)
- Hoopa (Confusion/Psychic)
- Gengar (Shadow Claw/Psychic)
- Deoxys (Zen Headbutt/Psycho Boost)
- Landorus (Mud Shot/Earthquake)
Slowbro (2nd Slot) (35%)
- Manectric (Thunder Fang/Wild Charge)
- Absol (Snarl/Payback)
- Venusaur (Vine Whip/Solar Beam)
- Ampharos (Volt Switch/Zap Cannon)
- Zarude (Vine Whip/Power Whip)
Vileplume (2nd Slot) (33%)
- Charizard (Fire Spin/Blast Burn)
- Houndoom (Fire Fang/Fire Blast)
- Mewtwo (Confusion/Psystrike)
- Reshiram (Fire Fang/Overheat)
- Abomasnow (Powder Snow/Blizzard)
Beedrill (2nd Slot) (32%)
- Charizard (Fire Spin/Blast Burn)
- Houndoom (Fire Fang/Flamethrower)
- Azelf (Confusion/Future Sight)
- Mewtwo (Confusion/Psystrike)
- Darmanitan (Fire Fang/Overheat)
Houndoom (3rd Slot) (61%)
- Blastoise (Water Gun/Hydro Cannon)
- Gyarados (Waterfall/Hydro Pump)
- Terrakion (Smack Down/Sacred Sword)
- Kyogre (Waterfall/Surf)
- Rhyperior (Smack Down/Rock Wrecker)
Marowak (3rd Slot) (34%)
- Blastoise (Water Gun/Hydro Cannon)
- Venusaur (Razor Leaf/Solar Beam)
- Gyarados (Waterfall/Hydro Pump)
- Abomasnow (Powder Snow/Weather Ball)
- Zarude (Vine Whip/Power Whip)
Nidoqueen (3rd Slot) (5%)
- Blastoise (Water Gun/Hydro Cannon)
- Gyarados (Waterfall/Hydro Pump)
- Excadrill (Mud-Slap/Earthquake)
- Groudon (Mud Shot/Earthquake)
- Garchomp (Mud Shot/Earth Power)
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