A Pokemon GO Slowbro raid guide can be useful for trainers looking to defeat this Water/Psychic-type Pokemon from the Kanto region. Slowbro will be available as a 3-star raid boss from February 11, 2025, to February 15, 2025, as part of the Beloved Buddies event. Trainers can challenge it both in-person and remotely using Remote Raid Passes. This guide details Slowbro's weaknesses and the best counters to use in battle.
Pokemon GO Slowbro raid weaknesses

Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
As a Water/Psychic-type Pokemon, Slowbro has several weaknesses and resistances you must consider when planning your raid strategy.
Slowbro takes increased damage from (160%):
- Bug
- Dark
- Electric
- Ghost
- Grass
Slowbro takes reduced damage from (63%):
- Fighting
- Fire
- Ice
- Psychic
- Steel
- Water
Slowbro stat distribution and moveset in Pokemon GO
- Combat Power: 16,086
- Attack: 177
- Defense: 180
- Stamina: 3,600 HP
Fast Attacks:
- Water Gun
- Confusion
Charged Attacks:
- Ice Beam
- Scald
- Psychic
- Surf
- Water Pulse
Up to 20 trainers can team up to battle Pokemon GO Slowbro at the same time. The fight concludes either when Slowbro is defeated or when the 180-second timer expires.
Also read: Pokemon GO Beloved Buddies preparation guide
Best counters to Pokemon GO Slowbro raids

The following list of Pokemon and their provided moveset are the best counters to take down Pokemon GO Slowbro smoothly:
- Necrozma - Dawn Wings with Shadow Claw and Moongeist Beam
- Mega or Shadow Sceptile with Fury Cutter and Frenzy Plant
- Mega or Shadow Gengar with Lick and Shadow Ball
- Mega or Shadow Tyranitar with Bite and Brutal Swing
- Kartana with Razor Leaf and Leaf Blade
- Shadow Raikou with Thunder Shock and Wild Charge
- Mega Banette with Shadow Claw and Shadow Ball
- Shadow Weavile with Snarl and Foul Play
- Mega Manectric with Thunder Fang and Wild Charge
- Shadow Electivire with Thunder Shock and Wild Charge
- Xurkitree with Thunder Shock and Discharge
- Shadow Chandelure with Hex and Shadow Ball
- Shadow Magnezone with Volt Switch and Wild Charge
- Shadow Mewtwo with Psycho Cut and Shadow Ball
- Mega Houndoom with Snarl and Foul Play
- Thundurus Therian with Volt Switch and Wildbolt Storm
- Zekrom with Charge Beam and Fusion Bolt
- Mega Gardevoir with Magical Leaf and Shadow Ball
- Mega Venusaur with Vine Whip and Frenzy Plant
- Shadow Zapdos with Thunder Shock and Thunderbolt
- Shaymin - Sky with Magical Leaf and Grass Knot
- Shadow Luxray with Snarl and Wild Charge
- Mega Absol with Snarl and Dark Pulse
- Mega Pinsir with Bug Bite and X-Scissor
- Mega Alakazam with Psycho Cut and Shadow Ball
- Zarude with Vine Whip and Power Whip
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Pokemon GO Slowbro raid catch CP and shiny availability

Catch CP ranges:
- Normal Weather (Level 20): 1382 CP - 1454 CP (10/10/10 - 15/15/15 IVs)
- Weather Boosted (Rain and Windy, Level 25): 1728 CP - 1817 CP (10/10/10 - 15/15/15 IVs)
Also read: How to solo defeat Shuckle in Pokemon GO 3-star raids
What are the 100% IV CPs from Pokemon GO Slowbro raids?
- Non-weather boosted: 1454 CP
- Weather boosted (Rain and Windy): 1817 CP
Also read: How to solo defeat Mareanie in Pokemon GO 3-star raids
Can Slowbro be shiny in Pokemon GO raids?
Yes, Slowbro’s shiny form is available in Pokemon GO. Its shiny form has been in the game since the Pokemon HOME Event on November 17, 2020.
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