A defense-oriented Pokemon in Pokemon GO, Sudowoodo evolves from the Pokemon Bonsly.
Sudowoodo sadly doesn't have the defensive stats to outgain Pokemon GO's bulky heavyweights. Regardless, it can still serve as a budget defender of sorts even if it remains unspectacular in the meta.
Newer trainers and those stuck in a bind may want to consider using Sudowoodo in some situations. However, when taking this Pokemon on as an opponent, things are somewhat different.
Trainers are recommended to exploit its weaknesses as a Rock-type Pokemon to maximize damage against it. Doing so should quickly boot Sudowoodo from the battle, leaving trainers to deal with other opposing Pokemon.
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Pokemon GO: Top counters against Sudowoodo

Overall, Sudowoodo possesses five type weaknesses in Pokemon GO: Water, Grass, Fighting, Ground, and Steel. If any Pokemon wielding these moves matches the move's type, they'll also receive a Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB). This can improve the Pokemon's damage potential when using a move, further damaging Sudowoodo with super effective power.
Sudowoodo's defense is decent, but it can't easily overcome consistent, super-effective damage inflicted on it.
Below, Pokemon GO trainers can find a list of Pokemon complete with movesets that make for effective Sudowoodo counters:
- Mega Blastoise (Water Gun/Hydro Cannon)
- Mega Gyarados (Waterfall/Hydro Pump)
- Mega Venusaur (Vine Whip/Frenzy Plant)
- Mega Abomasnow (Razor Leaf/Energy Ball)
- Mega Lopunny (Low Kick/Focus Blast)
- Lucario (Counter/Aura Sphere)
- Metagross (Bullet Punch/Meteor Smash)
- Conkeldurr (Counter/Dynamic Punch)
- Dialga (Metal Claw/Iron Head)
- Zarude (Vine Whip/Power Whip)
- Excadrill (Mud-Slap/Drill Run)
- Landorus (Mud Shot/Earthquake)
- Kyogre (Waterfall/Hydro Pump)
- Rhyperior (Mud-Slap/Earthquake)
- Swampert (Water Gun/Hydro Cannon)
- Zamazenta (Metal Claw/Close Combat)
- Empoleon (Metal Claw/Hydro Cannon)
- Machamp (Counter/Dynamic Punch)
- Garchomp (Mud Shot/Earthquake)
- Groudon (Mud Shot/Earthquake)
- Kingler (Bubble/Crabhammer)
- Breloom (Counter/Grass Knot)
- Samurott (Waterfall/Hydro Cannon)
- Pirouette Meloetta (Low Kick/Close Combat)
- Zacian (Metal Claw/Iron Head)
- Hariyama (Counter/Dynamic Punch)
- Roserade (Razor Leaf/Grass Knot)
- Sirfetch'd (Counter/Close Combat)
- Sceptile (Fury Cutter/Frenzy Plant)
In addition to this list, there are many other picks in Pokemon GO that can counter Sudowoodo. Trainers may want to experiment with which counter types and Pokemon work best in their respective battle parties.
As long as Sudowoodo's weaknesses are being exploited, it should prove little or no trouble to beat. Sudowoodo is a defensive Pokemon, and it isn't likely to take out an opponent offensively unless it is already at an advantage.
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