With the right counters, trainers can swiftly defeat Tangela in Pokemon GO.
Ever since it received a new evolution in Tangrowth, Tangela hasn’t been seen as too much of a threat. It only gets 100 Defense and, with only 118 Attack, it will hit with the force of a wet noodle. There are certainly other Grass-types trainers should worry about before Tangela.
Which Pokemon are the best matchups against Tangela?
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Tangela is a pure Grass-type, which is fortunate since Grass has many weaknesses. Flying, Bug, Poison, Fire and Ice all do super effective damage to Tangela.
When it comes to dealing the most damage to Tangela, though, Fire-types win in spades. They deal so much DPS that Pokemon with the other typings basically can’t compete.
For example, Mega Charizard Y obviously burns through Tangela with Blast Burn. However, it does not have the quickest time to win. This honor goes to Shadow Moltres, one of the best Shadow Pokemon out there. The chances of Tangela surviving an Overheat from Shadow Moltres is about slim to none.
These powerhouses, though, certainly aren’t necessary to take out a Tangela when really any Fire-type would do. Darmanitan, Blaziken and even Arcanine can beat Tangela quickly.

An underrated Mega evolution that doesn’t get talked about too often is Mega Pidgeot, but it also destroys Tangela. Pidgeot’s Mega evolution gets a strong 280 Attack stat. It might suffer from a limited movepool, but all it takes is a Brave Bird to send Tangela packing.
Some of the formidable Ice-types, like Galarian Darmanitan and Weavile, are also good to use against Tangela. Even Mamoswine has a good matchup here, despite being weak to Grass-type moves.
Finally, Salamence can be a Tangela counter, specifically its Shadow version. This is with a moveset of Fire Fang and Fire Blast, though. Salamence would definitely want to be running Dragon Tail instead of Fire Fang in the quick move slot. However, while it won’t have the same time to win, Dragon Tail Salamence should do just fine against Tangela.
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