One third of Giovanni's team of top Team GO Rocket Leaders in Pokemon GO, Arlo is prone to shuffling his team in-line with his compatriots Cliff and Sierra.
November has introduced a Pokemon GO Diwali event, and the Team GO Rocket Leaders have once again changed up their parties of battle-ready Shadow Pokemon.
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Arlo has returned to a team makeup he has used in the past. There are a total of seven Pokemon he can use in his battle lineup, with one guaranteed and the others being randomly selected from a list of options. Taking on Arlo's first Pokemon will be simple enough, but the rest of his potential team can take a little planning.
Pokemon GO: Countering Arlo's Shadow Pokemon this November

At the outset of battle with Arlo, Pokemon GO trainers will be faced with Shadow Venonat. This Pokemon has largely remained Arlo's starting Pokemon, and it still has the same weaknesses to Fire, Flying, Psychic, and Rock-type moves and Pokemon. With an incredibly small health total made worse by being a Shadow Pokemon, Shadow Venonat won't be able to take much damage before toppling.
For the second slot in his team, Arlo will select shadow versions of either Manectric (51% chance), Ursaring (28%), or Crobat (21%). These Pokemon have much more diverse weaknesses and will take coordination depending on which Pokemon ends up being chosen. For his third battle team slot, Arlo will select a shadow version of either Scizor (61% chance), Magnezone (20%), or Vileplume (19%). Fortunately, all of Arlo's third slot Pokemon are weak to Fire-type moves and Pokemon in Pokemon GO, which allows trainers to use Fire-types to counter the third slot in and of itself regardless of which Pokemon is chosen.
Some of the top Pokemon that can counter Arlo's team in Pokemon GO can be found below:
Venonat Counters
- Charizard
- Pidgeot
- Houndoom
- Mewtwo
- Reshiram
- Alakazam
- Chandelure
- Darmanitan
- Azelf
- Rampardos
Manectric Counters
- Garchomp
- Groudon
- Rhyperior
- Landorus
- Excadrill
- Krookodile
- Mamoswine
- Donphan
- Golem
- Golurk
Ursaring Counters
- Lucario
- Conkledurr
- Machamp
- Breloom
- Blaziken
- Heracross
- Hariyama
- Sirfetch'd
- Emboar
- Toxicroak
Crobat Counters
- Manectric
- Ampharos
- Mewtwo
- Abomasnow
- Zekrom
- Rampardos
- Thundurus
- Rhyperior
- Hoopa
- Metagross
Scizor Counters
- Charizard
- Houndoom
- Reshiram
- Moltres
- Darmanitan
- Blaziken
- Heatran
- Chandelure
- Entei
- Emboar
Magnezone Counters
- Garchomp
- Excadrill
- Groudon
- Landorus
- Charizard
- Rhyperior
- Golurk
- Krookodile
- Reshiram
- Hippowdon
Vileplume Counters
- Charizard
- Houndoom
- Mewtwo
- Pidgeot
- Reshiram
- Abomasnow
- Ho-Oh
- Moltres
- Heatran
- Victini
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