In the expansive world of Pokemon GO, a game with over 1000 different creatures across multiple generations, each generation introduces a trio known as starter Pokemon. These starter Pokemon, representing the Grass, Fire, and Water types, hold special significance as they offer distinct values and potential to trainer parties.
This revised tier list considers starters' usefulness in battles, evolution potential, and overall popularity. This will provide a clearer understanding of their performance at different stages in Pokemon GO. Remember, personal preferences and playstyles may still influence your choices, so feel free to adjust the tier list based on your experiences and preferences.
Pokemon GO starter's tier list
S Tier in Pokemon GO
These starters excel as initial Pokemon, and their evolved forms exhibit strong performance and battle capabilities throughout their evolutionary line in Pokemon GO. They can be relied upon to deliver strong attacks, withstand hits, and make valuable contributions to a trainer's team throughout the game.
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1) Charmander

The Kanto Fire-type starter Pokemon (Image via The Pokemon Company)
- Max CP - 1108
- Attack - 116
- Defence - 93
- Stamina - 118
- Recommended Moves - Ember and Flamethrower (6.05 DPS)
- Max CP for its final Evolution - 3266
- Mega Evolution - Mega Charizard Y (5037 max CP) / Mega Charizard X (4353 max CP)
2) Fuecoco

Fuecoco (Image via The Pokemon Company)
- Max CP - 1274
- Attack - 112
- Defence - 96
- Stamina - 167
- Recommended Moves - Bite and Flamethrower (8.05 DPS)
- Max CP for its final Evolution - 3422
3) Popplio

The Alola Water-type starter Pokemon (Image via The Pokemon Company)
- Max CP - 1276
- Attack - 120
- Defence - 103
- Stamina - 197
- Recommended Moves - Pound and Aqua Tail (7.00 DPS)
- Max CP for its final Evolution - 3618
4) Chespin

The Kalos Fire-type starter Pokemon (Image via The Pokemon Company)
- Max CP - 1239
- Attack - 110
- Defence - 106
- Stamina - 148
- Recommended Moves - Vine Whip and Seed Bomb (6.80 DPS)
- Max CP for its final Evolution - 3340
5) Totodile

The Johto Water-type starter Pokemon (Image via The Pokemon Company)
- Max CP - 1279
- Attack - 117
- Defence - 109
- Stamina - 137
- Recommended Moves - Scratch and Water Pulse (5.89 DPS)
- Max CP for its final Evolution - 3230
A Tier in Pokemon GO
Pokemon in this tier have above-average performance as starters and in their evolved forms. They may not be as outstanding as Tier S, but they still offer solid battle capabilities in Pokemon GO.
1) Torchic

The Hoenn Fire-type starter Pokemon (Image via The Pokemon Company)
- Max CP - 1236
- Attack - 130
- Defence - 87
- Stamina - 128
- Recommended Moves - Scratch and Flamethrower (8.51 DPS)
- Max CP for its final Evolution - 3219
- Mega Evolution - Mega Blaziken (4704 max CP)
2) Mudkip

The Hoenn Water-type starter Pokemon (Image via The Pokemon Company)
- Max CP - 1275
- Attack - 126
- Defence - 93
- Stamina - 137
- Recommended Moves - Water Gun and Dig (6.04 DPS)
- Max CP for its final Evolution - 3362
- Mega Evolution - Mega Swampert (4975 max CP)
3) Froakie

The Kalos Water-type starter Pokemon (Image via The Pokemon Company)
- Max CP - 1122
- Attack - 122
- Defence - 84
- Stamina - 121
- Recommended Moves - Pound and Surf (6.33 DPS)
- Max CP for its final Evolution - 3001
4) Piplup

The Sinnoh Water-type starter Pokemon (Image via The Pokemon Company)
- Max CP - 1215
- Attack - 112
- Defence - 102
- Stamina - 142
- Recommended Moves - Pound and Drill Peck (6.78 DPS)
- Max CP for its final Evolution - 3279
5) Litten

The Alola Fire-type starter Pokemon (Image via The Pokemon Company)
- Max CP - 1170
- Attack - 128
- Defence - 79
- Stamina - 128
- Recommended Moves - Ember and Crunch (5.92 DPS)
- Max CP for its final Evolution - 3387
6) Cyndaquil

The Johto Fire-type starter Pokemon (Image via The Pokemon Company)
- Max CP - 1108
- Attack - 116
- Defence - 93
- Stamina - 118
- Recommended Moves - Tackle and Flamethrower (8 DPS)
- Max CP for its final Evolution - 3266
B Tier in Pokemon GO
Pokemon in this tier may not shine in their initial form, but they evolve into Pokemon with some potential to be helpful in your party. They may lack in one area initially but compensate with strong evolutions in Pokemon GO.
1) Bulbasaur

The Kanto Grass-type starter Pokemon (Image via The Pokemon Company) Enter caption
- Max CP - 1260
- Attack - 118
- Defence - 111
- Stamina - 128
- Recommended Moves - Vine Whip and Power Whip (8.44 DPS)
- Max CP for its final Evolution - 3075
- Mega Evolution - Mega Venusaur (4181 max CP)
2) Quaxly

Quaxly (Image via The Pokemon Company) Enter caption Enter caption
- Attack - 120
- Defence - 86
- Stamina - 146
- Recommended Moves - Water Gun and Liquidation (8.30 DPS)
- Max CP for its final Evolution - 3411
3) Sprigatito

- Max CP - 1147
- Attack - 116
- Defence - 99
- Stamina - 120
- Recommended Moves - Leafage and Grass Knot (9.18 DPS)
- Max CP for its final Evolution - 3193
4) Chikorita

The Johto Grass-type starter Pokemon (Image via The Pokemon Company)
- Max CP - 1057
- Attack - 92
- Defence - 122
- Stamina - 128
- Recommended Moves - Vine Whip and Grass Knot (6.38 DPS)
- Max CP for its final Evolution - 2725
5) Oshawott

The Unova Water-type starter Pokemon (Image via The Pokemon Company)
- Max CP - 1182
- Attack - 117
- Defence - 85
- Stamina - 146
- Recommended Moves - Water Gun and Aqua Tail (6.17 DPS)
- Max CP for its final Evolution - 3194
6) Squirtle

The Kanto Water-type starter Pokemon (Image via The Pokemon Company)
- Max CP - 1069
- Attack - 94
- Defence - 121
- Stamina - 127
- Recommended Moves - Tackle and Aqua Tail (5.67 DPS)
- Max CP for its final Evolution - 2788
- Mega Evolution - Mega Blastoise (4455 max CP)
7) Fennekin

The Kalos Fire-type starter Pokemon (Image via The Pokemon Company)
- Max CP - 1162
- Attack - 116
- Defence - 102
- Stamina - 120
- Recommended Moves - Ember and Flamethrower (6.59 DPS)
- Max CP for its final Evolution - 3459
8) Rowlet

The Alola Grass-type starter Pokemon (Image via The Pokemon Company)
- Max CP - 1196
- Attack - 102
- Defence - 99
- Stamina - 169
- Recommended Moves - Tackle and Seed Bomb (5.95 DPS)
- Max CP for its final Evolution - 3137
C Tier in Pokemon GO
Pokemon in this tier have exemplary starting forms but fall short in their final Evolution. While they may perform well initially, their last Evolution may not live up to expectations or struggle in battle in Pokemon GO
1) Treecko

The Hoenn Grass-type starter Pokemon (Image via The Pokemon Company)
- Max CP - 1190
- Attack - 124
- Defence - 94
- Stamina - 120
- Recommended Moves - Pound and Grass Knot (8.30 DPS)
- Max CP for its final Evolution - 3117
- Mega Evolution - Mega Sceptile (4585 max CP)
2) Turtwig

The Sinnoh Grass-type starter Pokemon (Image via The Pokemon Company)
- Max CP - 1342
- Attack - 119
- Defence - 110
- Stamina - 146
- Recommended Moves - Tackle and Seed Bomb (6.97 DPS)
- Max CP for its final Evolution - 3318
3) Snivy

The Unova Grass-type starter Pokemon (Image via The Pokemon Company)
- Max CP - 960
- Attack - 88
- Defence - 107
- Stamina - 128
- Recommended Moves - Vine Whip and Seed Bomb (5.80 DPS)
- Max CP for its final Evolution - 2574
D Tier in Pokemon GO
This tier includes starters performing poorly as initial Pokemon and in their evolved forms. They lack both battle effectiveness and evolution potential in Pokemon GO.
1) Tepig

The Unova Fire-type starter Pokemon (Image via The Pokemon Company)
- Max CP - 1224
- Attack - 115
- Defence - 85
- Stamina - 163
- Recommended Moves - Ember and Flamethrower (6.61 DPS)
- Max CP for its final Evolution - 3372
2) Chimchar

The Sinnoh Fire-type starter Pokemon (Image via The Pokemon Company)
- Max CP - 1082
- Attack - 113
- Defence - 86
- Stamina - 127
- Recommended Moves - Scratch and Flamethrower (5.61 DPS)
- Max CP for its final Evolution - 3033
The Pokemon GO starter tier list offers valuable guidance for trainers in selecting their initial Pokemon. While personal preferences and playstyles matter, the tier list considers factors like base stats and battle move sets.
Remembering that the list is not definitive and can vary due to evolving game dynamics is critical. Trainers should consider candy availability, evolution potential, and type coverage to create a well-rounded team. Ultimately, the goal is to balance personal preferences with success in various Pokemon GO activities. activities.
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