Torterra has an impressive stats spread and moveset, but will that help it shine in Pokemon GO's PvP and PvE formats? The battle formats in Niantic's mobile game are unforgiving to unprepared trainers. As a result, those who have Continent Pokemon with the worst set of attacks cannot get the expected battle outcomes. This doesn't mean Torterra, a critter introduced in Gen 4 Diamond and Pearl games, can't outperform foes with its ideal movepool.
The right attacks, battle capacity, and counters determine whether Torterra is really good in Pokemon GO. In this article, we will take a look at its best PvP and PvE moveset, and discuss what they do in GO Battle League, Raids, and Gym attack/defense.
Note: The article is subjective and reflects the writer's opinion. Moves marked (*) are Elite moves. You need an Elite TM to unlock them.
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Best moveset for Torterra in Pokemon GO

To get the expected results from Torterra in the game, you need moves that deal the most damage per second (DPS) and total damage output (TDO).
The game's battle format is divided into PvP and PvE, and you should teach the following moves to Torterra.
Best PvE moveset for Torterra in Pokemon GO:
- Fast Attack: Razor Leaf
- Charged Attack: Frenzy Plant*
Best PvP moveset for Torterra in Pokemon GO:
- Fast Attack: Razor Leaf
- Charged Attacks: Frenzy Plant* and Stone Edge
Is Torterra good in PvP and PvE?

Torterra’s Fast Move remains similar in both PvP and PvE battles in Pokemon GO. Stone Edge, a Charged Move, is a better option for PvE fights, and should be taught to the critter. With the best moveset in your possession, you will want to use it in the game. Let's see what it does.
According to PvPoke, the perfect IVs Torterra in the GO Battle League will rank at:
- #424 in the Great League
- #454 in the Ultra League
- #289 in the Master League
Going by Torterra’s ranking in the league battle, it is not well suited for Pokemon GO PvP play. Razor Leaf deals heavy Fast Move damage, but it takes a lot more time to reach its Charged Attack. This leaves it open to taking hits or using shields. This delayed time is valuable to opponents, which allows them to plan their attacks. Hence, Torrterra is not a reliable battle pick.
The best PvE moveset of Torterra inflicts 14.38 DPS and has 468.09 TDO. This means it deals significant damage to Pokemon in Raids and Gyms. Moreover, this moveset can activate the Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB) effect, further boosting its damage output and making Torterra a decent choice for PvE play.
Note that a critter’s performance can be enhanced by creating the best team composition. Torterra in Pokemon GO is less influential than the top meta creatures, and it would be best not to use it in PvP gameplay. Although, it can be a good force in PvE.
Counters for Torterra in Pokemon GO

Now you know Torterra is a less preferred fighter for the GO Battle League and ranks fairly lower in the game. So, devise a combat plan when facing some of the given counters.
Master League counters: Ho-Oh, Reshiram, Dragonite, Rayquaza, Lugia, Giratina (Altered), Zekrom, Metagross, and Togekiss.
These PvE counters can beat Torterra in Raids and Gym:
- Mega Rayquaza: Air Slash and Dragon Ascent
- Mega Abomasnow: Powder Snow and Weather Ball
- Mega Glalie: Frost Breath and Avalanche
- Shadow Weavile: Ice Shard and Avalance
- Shadow Articuno: Ice Shard and Triple Axel
- Shadow Mr. Mime: Ice Shard and Triple Axe
- Glaceon: Frost Breath and Avalanche
- Reshiram: Fire Fang and Fusion Flare
- Pheromosa: Bug Bite and Bug Buzz
- Volcarona: Bug Bite and Overheat
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