Pokemon GO Tour Sinnoh takes place in Los Angeles. A host of pocket monsters get their shiny variant debut at the event. One such Pokemon that trainers can look out for is Shiny Shaymin.
The in-person GO Tour event allows fans to gather together and enjoy the game and everything it offers to the fullest extent. Previous iterations of the GO Tour event have celebrated Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn.
We have jotted down all the available information regarding Pokemon GO Sinnoh Tour Los Angeles in this article below.
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Pokemon GO Tour Sinnoh Los Angeles date, time, and location
Pokemon GO Tour Sinnoh Los Angeles is scheduled to take place on February 17, 2024, and February 18, 2024. Each day, the event runs from 9 am local time to 5 pm local time. It occurs at the Rose Bowl Stadium in Los Angeles, California.
To learn about the global version, check out our GO Tour Sinnoh Global guide.
Pokemon GO Tour Sinnoh Los Angeles raids
The following pocket monsters appears in raids during the event:
One-Star Raids
- Turtwig [shiny encounter available]
- Chimchar [shiny encounter available]
- Piplup [shiny encounter available]
One-Star Raids (Space-Time Anomaly)
- Cyndaquil [shiny encounter available]
- Oshawott [shiny encounter available]
- Rowlet [shiny encounter available]
Three-Star Raids
- Torterra
- Infernape
- Empoleon
Three-Star Raids (Space-Time Anomaly)
- Hisuian Typhlosion [shiny encounter available]
- Hisuian Samurott [shiny encounter available]
- Hisuian Decidueye [shiny encounter available]
Five-Star Raids
- Dialga
- Palkia
Five-Star Raids (Space-Time Anomaly)
- Origin Forme Dialga [shiny encounter available]
- Origin Forme Palkia [shiny encounter available]
Pokemon GO Tour Sinnoh Los Angeles wild encounters
The wild encounters for the various habitats present during the event are as follows:
Entangled Ruins
- Pikachu with Dawn's Hat [shiny encounter available]
- Tangela [shiny encounter available]
- Eevee [shiny encounter available]
- Misdreavus [shiny encounter available]
- Nosepass [shiny encounter available]
- Roselia [shiny encounter available]
- Duskull [shiny encounter available]
- Turtwig [shiny encounter available]
- Kricketot [shiny encounter available]
- Plant Cloak Burmy [shiny encounter available]
- Combee [shiny encounter available]
- Cherubi [shiny encounter available]
- Bronzor [shiny encounter available]
Entangled Ruins (Space-Time Anomaly)
- Akari's Kerchief Pikachu [shiny encounter available]
- Hisuian Voltorb [shiny encounter available]
- Kleavor [shiny encounter available]
Seaside Metropolis
- Pikachu with Dawn's Hat [shiny encounter available]
- Magnemite [shiny encounter available]
- Porygon [shiny encounter available]
- Ralts [shiny encounter available]
- Piplup [shiny encounter available]
- Starly [shiny encounter available]
- Bidoof [shiny encounter available]
- Trash Cloak Burmy [shiny encounter available]
- Buizel [shiny encounter available]
- East Sea Shellos [shiny encounter available]
- West Sea Shellos [shiny encounter available]
- Drifloon [shiny encounter available]
- Glameow [shiny encounter available]
- Finneon [shiny encounter available]
Seaside Metropolis (Space-Time Anomaly)
- Akari's Kerchief Pikachu [shiny encounter available]
- Hisuian Qwilfish [shiny encounter available]
- Hisuian Braviary [shiny encounter available]
Bubbling Mire
- Pikachu with Lucas's Hat [shiny encounter available]
- Aipom [shiny encounter available]
- Yanma [shiny encounter available]
- Gligar [shiny encounter available]
- Shinx [shiny encounter available]
- Cranidos [shiny encounter available]
- Shieldon [shiny encounter available]
- Sandy Cloak Burmy [shiny encounter available]
- Stunky [shiny encounter available]
- Gible [shiny encounter available]
- Hippopotas [shiny encounter available]
- Skorupi [shiny encounter available]
- Croagunk [shiny encounter available]
Bubbling Mire (Space-Time Anomaly)
- Rei's Cap Pikachu [shiny encounter available]
- Hisuian Growlithe [shiny encounter available]
- Ursaluna [shiny encounter available]
Mountain Spring
- Pikachu with Lucas's Hat [shiny encounter available]
- Lickitung [shiny encounter available]
- Rhyhorn [shiny encounter available]
- Magmanr [shiny encounter available]
- Eevee [shiny encounter available]
- Togetic [shiny encounter available]
- Murkrow [shiny encounter available]
- Sneasel [shiny encounter available]
- Swinub [shiny encounter available]
- Snorunt [shiny encounter available]
- Chimchar [shiny encounter available]
- Buneary [shiny encounter available]
- Snover [shiny encounter available]
Mountain Spring (Space-Time Anomaly)
- Rei's Cap Pikachu [shiny encounter available]
- Hisuian Sneasel [shiny encounter available]
- Hisuian Avalugg [shiny encounter available]
- Wyrdeer [shiny encounter available]
Pokemon GO Tour Sinnoh Los Angeles Incense encounters
The following pocket monsters spawns when trainers use Incense during the event:
- Unown H [shiny encounter available]
- Unown I [shiny encounter available]
- Unown N [shiny encounter available]
- Unown O [shiny encounter available]
- Unown S [shiny encounter available]
Pokemon GO Tour Sinnoh Los Angeles egg hatches
Trainers can hatch the following pocket monsters from eggs during the event:
2 km eggs
- Budew [shiny encounter available]
- Chingling [shiny encounter available]
- Bonsly [shiny encounter available]
- Mime Jr. [shiny encounter available]
- Happiny [shiny encounter available]
- Munchlax [shiny encounter available]
- Riolu [shiny encounter available]
- Mantyke [shiny encounter available]
5 km eggs
- Stunky [shiny encounter available]
- Gible [shiny encounter available]
10 km eggs
- Pachirisu [shiny encounter available]
- Chatot [shiny encounter available]
- Carnivine [shiny encounter available]
Pokemon GO Tour Sinnoh Los Angeles exclusive in-person experiences
Trainers who make the trip to Los Angeles for GO Tour Sinnoh enjoys exclusive in-person experiences. They are as follows:
- Sinnoh Snapshots: Players may encounter Turtwig, Chimchar, or Piplup wearing Lucas or Dawn’s hat while taking snapshots during the event.
- Legendary Photo Opportunities: Players may encounter Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf. Furthermore, if they take a picture of them in the wild, they can encounter another.
- Field Research: Ticket-holding trainers enjoy a boosted chance of receiving Field Research "featuring Pokémon originally discovered in the Sinnoh region, including Turtwig, Chimchar, or Piplup wearing Lucas or Dawn’s hat!"
Pokemon GO Tour Sinnoh Los Angeles Spiritomb Timed Research story

With GO Tour Sinnoh Los Angeles, Niantic is putting a spin on Spiritomb's lore while catching the pocket monster in-game. Players have to spin 10 of 108 unique PokeStops from around Los Angeles County and Orange County to encounter Spiritomb.
The Timed Research story for this is available to ticket-holding trainers starting February 16, 2024. The tasks and rewards for the same must be completed and redeemed before February 18, 2024, at 8 pm local time.
Pokemon GO Tour Sinnoh Los Angeles Masterwork Research, Diamond or Pearl badge, and Team GO Rocket Special Research story
A Masterwork Research rewarding an encounter with Shiny Shaymin is available to ticket-holding trainers. The event also features a Special Research story focusing on Team GO Rocket. Furthermore, players are provided rewards and bonuses depending on their choice between Diamond and Pearl badges.
Pokemon GO Tour Sinnoh Los Angeles shiny debuts

The following shiny pocket monsters are making their debuts in-game with the event:
- Carnivine
- Chatot
- Chingling
- Pachirisu
- Stunky
- Skuntank
Pokemon GO Tour Sinnoh Los Angeles event bonuses
Ticket-holding trainers enjoy the following event bonuses during the event:
- 1/2 Hatch Distance for Eggs placed in Incubators during the event
- Up to 6 Special Trades can be made during the day on your ticket—no matter where you are in Los Angeles!
- 1/2 Stardust cost for trades
- Up to 9 daily free Raid Passes from spinning Photo Discs at Gyms
- Increased chance of encountering Shiny Pokémon
Pokemon GO Tour Sinnoh Los Angeles: Tickets and more
The live event ticket for the in-person Los Angeles event cost trainers US$30 (currently available at a discounted price of US$25). There are upgrades and add-ons available to further enrich the experience.
Check out other GO Tour Sinnoh 2024 articles:
Pokemon GO Tour 2024 Road to Sinnoh Special Research || What is Palkia's Spacial Rend Adventure Effect in Pokemon GO? || What is Dialga's Roar of Time Adventure Effect in Pokemon GO?
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