Pokemon GO's Triumph Together is set to take place from August 23, 2024, to August 30, 2024. The occasion brings all three player teams together for the purpose of completing various objectives related to the title's different forms of gameplay. However, given that it is not like the standard event in the mobile game, some trainers may not know how to reap the most benefits from it.
Thankfully, there are many benefits for individual players during Triumph Together, with many rare Pocket Monsters being available. Research tasks will also be a key focus for the event, so knowing more about them would be helpful.
Here is everything trainers should know when preparing for the Triumph Together event.
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How to best prepare for Pokemon GO's Triumph Together event

While there will be no special wild encounters during Pokemon GO's Triumph Together, the big draw is the many new encounters players can find upon completing Field Research tasks. These include encounters with various rare and new Pocket Monsters.
Here is every encounter trainers can find through Field Research:
- Cyndaquil
- Beldum
- Tirtouga
- Archen
- Ducklett
- Emolga
- Tynamo
- Goomy
- Crabrawler
- Tandemaus
Players will want to stock up on Poke Balls of all variants for this event. Poke Balls and their upgraded variants can be obtained by completing Field Research tasks, spinning Pokestops, and purchasing them in the store in exchange for Pokecoins, among other methods. Being such an important part of Pokemon GO's gameplay loop, these items are incredibly common.
Also Read: How to get PokeCoins in Pokemon GO?
Additionally, the event will feature a new hatch table for 7 kilometer eggs. These eggs can be obtained by opening gifts sent by other players. When placed in incubators during the Triumph Together event, the walking distance will be halved, only requiring trainers to walk 3.5 kilometers to hatch the eggs.
With this in mind, players may want to consider purchasing some incubators from the store. A standard incubator costs 150 Pokecoins, while a Super Incubator costs 200.
Super Incubators hatch eggs 50% faster, which does stack with the hatch bonus granted by Triumph Together. Each of the creatures that can be hatched from eggs obtained during the event have a chance to be shiny.
The final bit of content offered by Triumph Together are special research tasks that will become available once the global challenges for each team have been completed.
Upon completion, trainers will be rewarded with an encounter with a Ponyta, Lapras, or Elekid sporting attire similar to the leaders of Team Valor, Mystic, and Instinct.
For more information on the game, check out our other articles:
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