Pokemon GO's Ultra Unlock event may be coming to a close in its third part, but there are still plenty of rewards to reap before arriving at the end.
From August 20, 2021 at 10.00 am until August 31, 2021 at 8.00 pm local time, Hoopa's mischief will continue in the world of Pokemon GO while the Ultra Unlock event is underway.
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Part 3 of the event introduces some familiar faces from the Galar region of Pokemon: Sword and Shield. In addition to the introduction or return of many Pokemon from Galar, there are a plethora of bonuses and perks available to trainers.
Pokemon GO: Benefits of Ultra Unlock Part 3

With so many features underway during the final legs of the Ultra Unlock event, Pokemon GO developer Niantic has outlined what trainers can enjoy as part of the festivities:
Wild Pokemon Changes
- Until the event's conclusion, Pokemon GO trainers can expect a large uptick of certain Pokemon appearing in the wild. These Pokemon include Skwovet, Galarian Darumaka, Wooloo, Trubbish, and even Falinks on occasion.
- Galar region's iterations of many Pokemon can be hatched from 7 kilometer eggs. These Pokemon include the Galaraian versions of Ponyta, Meowth, Stunfisk, Slowpoke, Darumaka, Zigzagoon, and Farfetch'd.
- Lucky players may encounter the shiny versions of Galarian Stunfisk, Meowth, Weezing, or Farfetch'd.
Research Tasks
- Event-exclusive Timed Research Tasks will be available, allowing Pokemon GO trainers more chances to catch Galarian Pokemon.
- Galar-themed Field Research Tasks will also be available from Pokestops, with the rewards including more catch encounters with Wooloo, Falinks, and Skwovet.
Gym Raid Changes
Week 1
- From August 20, 2021 until August 26, 2021 at 10.00 am local time, raids will feature a few changes in Pokemon choices across the board.
- One-star raids include Unown U, Galarian Slowpoke, Galarian Zigzagoon, and Galarian Farfetch'd.
- Lapras, Falinks, and Galarian Weezing will be featured in Pokemon GO's three-star raids.
- Zacian in its "Hero of Many Battles" form will appear as a five-star raid boss.
- The Mega Raid boss available during the first week of the event's raid calendar will be Mega Beedrill, a great pick at countering Zacian.
Week 2
- Starting August 26, 2021 at 10.00 am until September 1, 2021 at 10.00 am local time, the second week of Ultra Unlock Part 3's raids will kick off.
- One-star raids will feature Galarian Meowth, Galarian Ponyta, Unown U and Galarian Darumaka.
- Three-star raids will have Pokemon GO trainers taking on Falinks, Snorlax, and Galarian Stunfisk.
- Zamazenta, also in its Hero of Many Battles form, will be taking Zacian's place as a five-star raid boss.
- Mega Raids will replace Mega Beedrill with Mega Pidgeot for this week of raids. Mega Pidgeot will prove to be a strong counter against Zamazenta and might be worth pursuing.
- In addition to the above features, Pokemon GO trainers can expect some new threads for their avatar as well as some event-exclusive gift stickers. Beginning on August 19, 2021 at 3.00 pm PDT, trainers will be able to snag the Gym Challenger Uniform for free. Players can also purchase Dragon- and Dark-type Pokemon sporting outfits from Pokemon GO's in-game store. Many event-themed stickers can be earned from spinning the photo discs of Pokestops, but can also be acquired via Pokecoin purchase in the shop.
Read More: Pokemon GO - How to counter Mega Beedrill
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