Pokemon GO’s competitive players love to use Umbreon in the GO Battle League. While it does not find a place throughout all formats of the GO Battle League, Umbreon is an absolute beast in the Great League and the Ultra League.
That said, if you use an Umbreon running Psychic, you might find yourself dead in the water when going against other Psychic-type opponents.
In this article, we will look at the best moveset for Umbreon in PvP and PvE. We will also give you an idea about the best counters for this Dark-type Eeveelution in the game.
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Best PvE moveset for Umbreon in Pokemon GO

Best offensive PvE moveset for Umbreon
The best offensive PvE moveset for Umbreon in Pokemon GO would be Snarl as the Fast move, along with Foul Play and Dark Pulse as the Charged moves.
Last Resort and Psychic are great Charged moves, but they don’t find any utility in the offensive PvE moveset. The other two are far superior.
Best defensive PvE moveset for Umbreon
When it comes to Gym defense, again, Snarl is the better Fast move out of all the ones that Umbreon can learn in this game.
Psychic, along with Dark Pulse, are the best defensive Charged moves for Umbreon.
Is Umbreon good in Pokemon GO PvE?

Even though Umbreon is not a very powerful attacker, this Eeveelution has an insanely high Stamina stat. This allows Umbreon to be significantly bulky, which lets it tank a lot of the hits from enemies.
If you have invested in an Umbreon, consider using it for Gym defense. It is not as good as a Raid or Gym attacker.
Best PvP moveset for Umbreon in Pokemon GO

Snarl is the best PvP Fast move for Umbreon.
Foul Play, along with Last Resort, are the best PvP Charged moves for Umbreon in the GO Battle League. Since Foul Play costs less energy, you can use this move to potentially bait your enemy’s shields.
This will often put you in an advantageous spot. Umbreon is built like a tank, so you will often not need to worry about giving up your shield, thanks to its high Stamina stat.
Since Umbreon is not very good as an attacker, you must rely on its defensive abilities to control the middle phase of the game.
Is Umbreon good in Pokemon GO PvP?

As mentioned above, Umbreon is great for its defensive stats. Since it lacks Attack power, it is gifted with a high Stamina stat.
While it can tank a lot of hits, you will run into dead ends when facing Azumarill and Fairy-type creatures that run Charm as their Fast move.
All moves that Umbreon can learn in Pokemon GO

Umbreon is a mono Dark-type Pokemon, and that makes it vulnerable to the following elemental typings:
- Bug
- Fairy
- Fighting
Umbreon is resistant to the following elemental typings:
- Dark
- Ghost
- Psychic
Umbreon can learn the following moves in the game:
Fast moves:
- Feint Attack
- Snarl
Charged moves:
- Dark Pulse
- Foul Play
- Last Resort
- Psychic
Best counters for Umbreon in Pokemon GO

These are some of the best counters to use against Umbreon:
- Mega Lopunny
- Mega Beedrill
- Mega Scizor
- Terrakion
- Pheromosa
- Lucario
- Mega Charizard Y
- Conkeldurr
- Machamp
- Mega Altaria
- Heracross
- Breloom
- Blaziken
- Galarian Zapdos
- Buzzwole
- Xurkitree
- Mega Houndoom
- Mega Blastoise
- Mega Latias
- Mega Charizard X
- Sirfetch’d
- Mega Pidgeot
- Cobalion
Aside from these Pocket Monsters, there are a lot of other counters that perform well against Umbreon.
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