In Pokemon GO, there are many effective strategies players must learn to maximize their abilities in both the regular game and the Battle League.
Players must know everything about Pokemon GO's battle system in order to truly capitalize on their advantages and secure a win. Supercharged Attacks are a very useful technique to know for every player.
What are Supercharged Attacks in Pokemon GO?

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The term "Supercharged Attack" is just a shortened way of saying "Super Effective Charged Attack". To understand Supercharged Attacks, players must first have a solid understanding of the Pokemon-Type Chart. Each Pokemon in Pokemon GO has either one or two types.
Pikachu, for example, is an Electric-type and Charizard is a Fire and Flying-type. Each type has its own strengths and weaknesses. Pikachu, being an Electric-type, would take more damage from Ground-type attacks but takes less damage from Flying, Steel, and other Electric-type attacks.
Electric-type moves also deal more damage against Flying and Water-type Pokemon. This means that Electric-type charged attacks against those two types would be considered Supercharged Attacks.
There are also Pokemon that share a common weakness between their two types. For example, Charizard is a Fire and Flying-type. Both Flying and Fire are types that are weak to Rock-type moves. This means that a Rock-type attack against Charizard, in this case, would be considered a Supercharged Attack and would deal way more damage than just a regular charged attack.
On the opposite side of things, there are certain type combinations that take very little damage from an attack. Pokemon like Infernape, a Fire and Fighting-type, is extremely resistant to Bug-type attacks as both Fire and Fighting-type take less damage from them.
There are also some types of Pokemon that are only a single type but still take drastically less damage from an attack. For example, a Ghost-type Pokemon like Misdreavus will take 39% of the damage from Normal and Fighting-type attacks rather than the 63% noneffective attacks would usually deal.
This is due to the fact that in the main series of games, those attacks would normally have no effect on that type at all. To keep battles balanced, this was changed in Pokemon GO.
To summarize, in order to perform a Supercharged Attack in Pokemon GO, the player must know what type the opponent is weak to. A charged attack that would deal super-effective damage to an opponent would classify as a Supercharged Attack.
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