With Pokemon GO celebrating Dia de Muertos (Day of the Dead) starting on the first of next month, a plethora of Pokemon will be available for players to catch. Naturally, with Pokemon GO trainers racking up catches and candies, some wonder which of these available Pokemon can evolve into more powerful forms.
Depending on whether players are catching Pokemon in the wild, using Incense or Lure Modules to attract them, completing research tasks, or taking part in November 2's Spotlight Hour, different Pokemon will be available.
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
With different availability comes different evolutions, and it's worth looking into which of these Pokemon possess the capability.
Pokemon GO: All evolving event Pokemon

Pokemon GO trainers will have plenty to undertake during Dia de Muertos, and Niantic has made this clear by providing a number of Pokemon that they can encounter through various means.
Lucky players may even spot a few shiny forms of these Pokemon as well, though the shiny forms aren't universal and some Pokemon don't currently possess them in Pokemon GO.
Regardless, the following Pokemon are available for encountering and capture during Dia de Muertos in particular:
Encountered in the Wild:
- Cubone
- Sunkern
- Murkrow
- Houndour
- Sableye
- Roselia
- Sunflora
- Drifloon
- Yamask
Encountered from Incense and Lure Modules:
- Cubone
- Sunkern
- Murkrow
- Houndour
- Sableye
- Roselia
- Sunflora
- Drifloon
- Yamask
- Alolan Marowak
Encountered from Research Task Completion:
- Cubone
- Sunkern
- Roselia
- Alolan Marowak
November 2 Spotlight Hour (6:00 PM to 7:00 PM local time):
- Cacnea
Research Breakthrough Encounter:
- Vullaby
Collection Challenge Reward:
Of the listed Pokemon for this particular Pokemon GO event, the following are capable of evolution in-game (some other evolutions exist, but are not currently available in Pokemon GO):
- Cubone - Evolves into Marowak after being fed 50 candies.
- Sunkern - Evolves into Sunflora after being fed 50 candies and given a Sun Stone.
- Murkrow - Evolves into Honchkrow when fed 100 candies and given a Sinnoh Stone.
- Houndour - Evolves into Houndoom when fed 50 candies. Houndoom can Mega Evolve into Mega Houndoom when given 200 Mega Energy the first time, then 40 afterwards.
- Roselia - Evolves into Roserade when fed 100 candies and given a Sinnoh Stone.
- Drifloon - Evolves into Drifblim when fed 50 candies.
- Yamask - Evolves into Cofagrigus when fed 50 candies, its Galarian form evolves into Runerigus after being fed 50 candies and winning 10 raids as a Buddy Pokemon.
- Cacnea - Evolves into Cacturne once fed 50 candies.
- Vullaby - Evolves into Mandibuzz when fed 50 candies.
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