Pokemon Horizons' 32nd episode, "Lapras' Memories of its Companions," brought plenty of emotion to the fore. It concluded the two-part story that began in Episode 31 when the Rising Volt Tacklers discovered a mysterious Lapras, which, unfortunately, wasn't particularly friendly. A team of Pokemon also boarded the Brave Olivine to steal the food supplies onboard.
Be that as it may, the Pokemon Horizons heroes were convinced that they'd found the Lapras that once befriended the ancient explorer, Lucius, making it a key step on their journey. The team hopes to reunite Terapagos with its fellow comrades who once accompanied Lucius, opening the way to the Paradise known as Rakua.
Fortunately for the Rising Volt Tacklers, Episode 32 saw the group make significant strides in this quest.
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Breaking down the events of Pokemon Horizons Episode 32

Picking up from Pokemon Horizons Episode 31, Terapagos is happy to see Lapras, which Liko believes to be one of Lucius's companions. However, Lapras turns away and joins the Waillord, carrying various Pokemon on its back. It then orders its comrades to board the Brave Olivine like Ambipom and Toedscruel did in the previous episode.
Mollie and Murdock attempt to face off against the raiders, but their Chansey and Rockruff are unnerved by the number of opponents they have. Pokemon Horizons' heroes, Liko and Roy, enter the fray to confront the raiders alongside Sprigatito and Fuecoco. Diana also dives into the battle with her Arcanine, and Friede joins with his Charizard.

The combined forces of the Rising Volt Tacklers manage to push back the attackers, leading Lapras to call for a retreat. However, Friede and Charizard give chase, and Ludlow steers the Brave Olivine to stay behind Lapras as well. Friede and Diana deduce that Lapras was simply using its Mist move and singing to make sailors get lost, allowing its allies to steal food supplies.
Diana is impressed by the fact that Lapras could bring together so many different regional Pokemon, dubbing the group the "Lapras Pirates." Liko wonders why Lapras would perform such malicious asks, but Diana replies by asking her granddaughter how Lapras might feel. The Brave Olivine catches up to the group of Pokemon, who slow down to prepare to battle again.

Ludlow's Quagsire then heads to the bow of the airship, with the former telling the Pokemon Horizons crew to hold on tight. Quagsire uses its Surf move as Ludlow banks the Brave Olivine hard to the side. This leads to the airship riding a huge tidal wave that blocks the pirates' attacks. But Lapras calls off the attack and decides to ram the Brave Olivine instead.
Lapras then uses Ice Beam to freeze the airship before leaving, and Liko cries out for the Transport Pokemon to come back. The creature continues its departure, leaving the team to wonder how to find it again. Liko comes up with a plan, returning to her room and putting on the belt that Lucius formerly owned.

As Lapras returns to its pirate cove, it's surprised to find Liko, Roy, and Friede waiting for it. Liko tells Lapras that she wants it to see Terapagos again, and the pirate crew welcomes the little Pokemon. She tells Lapras that she wants to bring Terapagos back to the paradise of Rakua, asking Lapras to help the Pokemon Horizons heroes on their quest.
Terapagos begins to glow. The Galarian Moltres and Arboliva that once accompanied Lucius appear from their ancient Poke Balls on Lucius' belt. Lapras sings in joy, creating a large shroud of light that surrounds the Pokemon Horizons heroes. It leads to a vision where Lucius is reunited with his companions, promising that he won't die and will simply return to Rakua.

As the vision ends, Liko sees Lapras crying alongside Arboliva and Galarian Moltres. The Rising Volt Tacklers realize that the latter two agreed to join the team with hopes of reuniting with Lucius, and Arboliva and Galarian Moltres return to their Poke Balls. The pirates bring over some berries to snack on, and the Brave Olivine pulls into the cove. Murdock brings some donuts for everyone to enjoy.
Liko wonders how Lapras survived alongside the other Pokemon for so long. Diana assures her that Pokemon can have their differences but that trainers can bring them together. As sunset takes hold, Liko asks Lapras to join the Pokemon Horizons team so they can continue toward Rakua together. Ambipom hands Lapras its ancient Poke Ball, and it enters the ball willingly.

The pirates hop on the back of Wailord and leave the cove, using Mist to cover its tracks. As the team is heartened to know they've collected half of Lucius's Pokemon, the fog clears, and the long sought-after Black Rayquaza - one of Lucius's companions - emerges. The team is stunned that after so much searching for the shiny legendary Pokemon, it ended up finding them.
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