Pokemon Masters EX Tier List (Image via The Pokemon Company)
Pokemon Masters EX tier lists are tough to assemble due to the immense number of Sync Pairs in the mobile title, but when each pair is broken down into the role it performs best, a clearer picture can be drawn into focus. Once players have sifted out pairs with low potential and categorized what's left by the remaining roles, understanding the best Sync Pairs is an easier job.
For the sake of this tier list, Pokemon Masters EX Sync Pairs will be assigned tiers based on their effectiveness in three respective roles: DPS, Support, and Hybrid mixes of both. This way, as trainers begin their team builds for things like Extreme Battles, Champion Stadium, or Legendary Arena/Gauntlet, they'll know the picks that will offer them a higher chance at success.
Breaking down the Pokemon Masters EX Sync Pair Tier List
S+ Tier
Ash & Pikachu are fantastic damage dealers in Pokemon Masters EX (Image via The Pokemon Company)
If players are looking for the best Sync Pairs that Pokemon Masters EX offers, then the S+ tier is where they'll want to look. They thrive in nearly any environment, are flexible enough to adapt to changing circumstances, synergize incredibly well with nearly any team comp, and can hold their own, independent of team assistance when necessary.
They possess spectacular stats, expansive Sync Grids, and near-peerless abilities as well. Overall, S+-tier options are the cream of the crop.
S+-Tier DPS Pairs
Ash & Pikachu, Red & Articuno, Marnie & Galarian Moltres, Steven & Attack Forme Deoxys, Lusamine & Ultra Necrozma, Hilda & Victini, Lysandre & Volcanion, Serena & Complete Forme Zygarde
Red & Pikachu, Gloria & Rapid-Strike Urshifu, Steven & Attack Forme Deoxys, Lyra & Celebi, Cyrus & Darkrai, Adaman & Leafeon, Maxie & Groudon, Irida & Glaceon, Leaf & Moltres, Diantha & Shiny Mega Diancie
Falkner and Swellow have proven to be an excellent support pairing in Pokemon Masters EX (Image via The Pokemon Company)
While the S-tier options aren't the best choice in Pokemon Masters EX, they're still incredibly useful when dealing damage, keeping their team upright, or both. They're fully capable of carrying a team composition to the finish line regardless of the arena they're stepping into.
Compared to the S+ options, there isn't much drop-off with S-tiers. Their stats and abilities are still high in quality, and they can meet several roles at once when called upon.
S-Tier DPS Pairs
Rose & Copperajah
Eusine & Shiny Suicune
Lusamine & Dusk Mane Necrozma
Lisia & Galarian Rapidash
Emmet & Archeops
Victor & Rillaboom
N & Zekrom
Raihan & Duraludon
Olympia & Sigilyph
Korrina & Marshadow
Diantha & Keldeo
Diantha & Gardevoir
Elesa & Togetic
Hop & Zapdos
Ethan & Lugia
Drasna & Dragalge
Palmer & Regigigas
Emma & Crobat
Lance & Dragonite
Lear & Hoopa
Red & Mega Charizard X
Erika & Leafeon
Blue & Mega Aerodactyl
Sonia & Tsareena
Lucas & Dialga
Giovanni & Nidoking
Leon & Charizard
S-Tier Support Pairs
Iono & Bellibolt
Agatha & Arbok
Melony & Lapras
Player & Mesprit
Caitlin & Mega Sableye
Dawn & Alcremie
Bugs & Scyther
Bea & Vanilluxe
Leaf & Eevee
Hilbert & Samurott
Steven & Shiny Stoutland
Elesa & Rotom
Lillie & Polteageist
Proton & Golbat
Jasmine & Mega Ampharos
Shauna & Klefki
Anabel & Snorlax
Argenta & Skarmory
Dawn & Cresselia
Mina & Tapu Fini
Player & Cobalion
Wallace & Blacephalon
Kris & Suicune
Brendan & Latios
Professor Sycamore & Xerneas
Clair & Drampa
Lorelei & Cloyster
Falkner & Swellow
Roark & Cranidos
Giovanni & Persian
Sabrina & Mega Alakazam
Maylene & Meditite
Lyra & Meganium
Kiawe & Alolan Marowak
Hop & Zamazenta
Bruno & Onix
S-Tier Hybrid Pairs
Leon & Dragapult
Paulo & Dusk Forme Lycanroc
Silver & Sneasel
Hop & Galarian Zapdos
Cynthia & Giratina
Lana & Tapu Lele
Steven & Speed Forme Deoxys
Viola & Surskit
The Masked Royal & Incineroar
N & Kyurem
Lucian & Girafarig
Bede & Hatterene
Grimsley & Bisharp
Ingo & Accelgor
Courtney & Mega Camerupt
Elesa & Emolga
Steven & Normal Forme Deoxys
Serena & Delphox
Ball Guy & Amoonguss
Hau & Tapu Koko
Lance & Dragonair
Raihan & Flygon
Winona & Pelipper
Colress & Klinklang
N & Reshiram
N & Reshiram
Skyla & Tornadus
Cynthia & Giratina
Rosa & Shaymin
Bianca & Musharna
Zinnia & Thievul
Hilbert & Genesect
May & Mega Latias
May & Mega Blaziken
Marnie & Mega Mawile
Raihan & Flygon
Leaf and Venusaur make for quality hybrid fighters in Pokemon Masters EX (Image via The Pokemon Company)
Make no mistake, Pokemon Masters EX's A-tier options may not be at peak efficiency, but they shouldn't be overlooked. They have expansive Sync Grids and are about as adaptive as they come without sliding into the S-tier. A-tier options can still thrive independently and are valuable additions to a team lineup, providing fantastic damage and support capabilities.
A-tier options also tend to benefit from fantastic passive abilities like S-tiers, and their stats aren't much of a step down from their higher-graded counterparts.
A-Tier DPS Pairs
Diantha & Resolute Forme Keldeo
Kris & Feraligatr
Blue & Pidgeot
Hilbert & Mightyena
Hilda & Mega Diancie
Wally & Gardevoir
Guzma & Buzzwole
Hala & Crabominable
N & Zekrom
Bea & Sirfetch'd
Marnie & Grimmsnarl
Lance & Gyarados
Zinnia & Mega Rayquaza
Marnie & Morpeko
Nessa & Drednaw
Cynthia & Mega Garchomp
Volkner & Electivire
Leon & Calyrex
Giovanni & Mega Mewtwo Y
May & Mega Swampert
Hugh & Bouffalant
Emmet & Escavalier
Cyrus & Palkia
N & Zoroark
Leon & Eternatus
Archie & Kyogre
Lillie & Lunala
May & Latias
Brendan & Sceptile
Silver & Ho-Oh
A-Tier Support Pairs
Glacia & Mega Glalie
Nita and Landorus
Skyla & Swanna
Marley & Arcanine
Shauna & Chesnaught
Drake & Salamence
Roxanne & Probopass
Rosa & Serperior
Jasmine & Mega Steelix
Lillie & Clefairy
Rachel & Umbreon
Rosa & Delibird
Evelyn & Entei
Morty & Mismagius
Sawyer & Honchkrow
Cynthia & Gastrodon
Misty & Psyduck
Lillie & Ribombee
Steven & Defense Forme Deoxys
Lt. Surge & Voltorb
Cheryl & Blissey
Lt. Surge & Raichu
Anabel & Snorlax
Blue & Exeggutor
Piers & Obstagoon
Nita & Landorus
Phoebe & Dusknoir
Skyla & Swanna
Sabrina & Chingling
Hilda & Grapploct
A-Tier Hybrid Pairs
Lysandre & Yveltal
Ghetsis & Kyurem
Victor & Spectrier
Bianca & Musharna
Serena & Whimsicott
Petrel & Weezing
Kirs & Jolteon
Serena & Delphox
Lucian & Girafarig
Steven & Mega Metagross
Rosa & Dewott
Darach & Staraptor
Blaine & Ponyta
Misty & Starmie
Dawn & Torterra
Skyla & Togekiss
Silver & Feraligatr
Dawn & Oricorio
Koga & Crobat
Nanu & Persian
Lisia & Galarian Rapidash
Plumeria & Salazzle
Professor Oak & Mew
Whitney & Sawsbuck
Whitney & Miltank
Wikstrom & Shield Forme Aegislash
Lisia & Mega Altaria
Grimsley and Sharpedo have offensive upside in Pokemon Masters EX (Image via The Pokemon Company)
In many ways, B-tier picks in Pokemon Masters EX are the bridge between lower-end options that may not be able to get the job done for late-game content and those in A-tier. Although it's possible that several options below the B-tier can still perform, these picks are typically the cutoff of what's considered viable in the meta at a given time. However, this is subject to change over time.
B-tiers encompass various Pokemon across generations, and the same can be said for their trainers. These picks aren't as robust as their counterparts, but they can still slot into a team composition or perform well in their defined roles.
B-Tier DPS Pairs
Shauntal & Chandelure
Looker & Croagunk
Candice & Froslass
Burgh & Leavanny
Hau & Alolan Raichu
Siebold & Octillery
Gardenia & Roserade
Lusamine & Pheromosa
Clair & Kingdra
Sophocles & Golem
Naomi & Sandslash
Morty & Drifblim
Zinnia & Salamence
Steven & Alolan Sandslash
Olivia & Midnight Lycanroc
Player & Solgaleo
Player & Solgaleo
Fantina & Mismagius
Gladion & Silvally
Wally & Mega Gallade
Will & Xatu
Selene & Decidueye
Gloria & Inteleon
Cynthia & Kommo-o
Grimsley & Mega Sharpedo
Elesa & Zebstrika
Hilda & Emboar
Gloria & Zacian
Barry & Empoleon
Blue & Arcanine
B-Tier Support Pairs
Roxanne & Nosepass
Player & Pikachu
Ramos & Victreebel
Erika & Vileplume
Viola & Masquerain
Calem & Greninja
Erika & Comfey
Thorton & Bronzong
Grimsley & Liepard
Acerola & Palossand
Liza & Lunatone
Lucy & Seviper
Maylene & Medicham
Blaine & Rapidash
Wulfric & Avalugg
Lyra & Vaporeon
Erika & Tangela
Red & Snorlax
B-Tier Hybrid Pairs
Brawly & Hariyama
Clemont & Heliolisk
Brock & Onix
Kahili & Toucannon
Sophocles & Togedemaru
Crasher Wake & Floatzel
Noland & Mega Pinsir
Archer & Houndoom
Sidney & Mega Absol
Volkner & Luxray
Iris & Hydreigon
Dawn & Torterra
Nanu & Alolan Persian
Wallace & Milotic
Agatha & Mega Gengar
Clay & Seismitoad
Flannery & Torkoal
Morty & Mega Banette
Just so you know, this tier list, like all other tier lists in Pokemon, is subjective and can change over time. There may also be some overlap of Sync Pairs between roles due to their versatility in multiple aspects of the game. Moreover, new Pokemon/Trainer combos via Sync Pairs will likely arrive in the future, so the tier list may also be updated to reflect new arrivals in Pokemon Masters EX.