The Pokemon franchise has had plenty of animated projects in recent months, and the first episode of its latest project was recently made available online. This limited series, known as Paldean Winds, returns to the Paldea region of Scarlet and Violet. It follows the adventures of students at Mesagoza City's prestigious Naranja Academy before the arrival of a certain transfer student.
In tandem with the Pokemon Horizons series, which also spent plenty of time in Paldea, Paldean Winds features new and familiar faces. Fans will immediately recognize certain characters encountered in Scarlet and Violet. However, there are plenty of unique characters that help give Paldean Winds its own identity in the franchise.
For fans who may be curious about Pokemon: Paldean Winds or who may have missed the debut of its first episode, it doesn't hurt to examine the events as they unfolded. Spoilers are ahead, so fans should continue with caution.
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What happened in episode 1 of Pokemon: Paldean Winds?
Paldean Winds begins with multiple shots of Mesagoza City and various people and Pocket Monsters throughout the Paldea region. The Great Crater of Paldea is briefly shown, as well as an orchestra at Naranja Academy. A student at the academy is later seen alongside a Fuecoco at Glaseado Mountain, saying goodbye to the case containing her flute.
After the series' title is displayed, the story begins in a classroom where three trainers are assembled together. A long-haired trainer named Aliquis is standing beside his Meowscarada while having a snack, looking out the window, and watching the Ace Trainer Nemona instruct a group of younger students in battle techniques.
Meanwhile, a trainer named Hohma reads information about Cetitan on his Rotom Phone alongside his partner Quaxly. A trainer named Ohara also picks up her partner Fuecoco before remarking that Director Clavell has tasked them with creating a video that shows the benefits and challenges of Naranja Academy.
Although Ohara states what their assignment is, Aliquis and Hohma are absorbed in their own business. Ohara approaches Aliquis and tells him to do his best in his next battle against Nemona since his brother will be arriving to watch. However, Aliquis states that he always does his best before congratulating Ohara for performing a flute solo in an upcoming concert.
Aliquis also points out that Ohara's father is conducting the concert. However, before Ohara can reply, Hohma interjects with Pocket Monster facts.
Aliquis runs to Hohma to chide him for interrupting and is splashed with water by Quaxly. Aliquis begins yelling and chasing Hohma around the classroom before the scene fast-forwards to Glaseado Mountain.
On the mountain, Ohara is speaking with Director Clavell, apologizing for leaving the video project during the academy's Treasure Hunt activity. She doubts her ability to complete the video, but Clavell disagrees and states that she is the perfect candidate for the job.
It is also revealed during the conversation that not only did Ohara step away from the video assignment, but she also left behind her duties in the academy band. Ohara asks herself what kind of person she is for using the Treasure Hunt as an excuse to leave behind her responsibilities.
During her stay on Glaseado Mountain, Ohara encounters Arven and calls out to her Fuecoco, who is nowhere to be seen. The mountains begins to quake near the two trainers, and a Cetitan emerges from the snow in a rage before watchers rejoin Aliquis and Hohma while they shoot video scenes for their project.
It is revealed that this next scene is a flashback, as Ohara arrives in the library to tell Aliquis and Hohma that she's heading to Glaseado Mountain for her Treasure Hunt. However, Aliquis finds it strange that she's taking her flute with her, and Hohma continues to provide information about the mountain.
The scene then flashes forward to the business at hand at Glaseado. Ohara remembers that she discarded her flute, while Arven is chased by the enraged Cetitan. While Ohara sits paralyzed, she hears the sound of her instrument and finds that her Fuecoco has returned with it.
As the Cetitan closes in on Arven, Ohara begins playing her flute, calming the Cetitan and leading it to walk away with two nearby Cetoddle. Arven thanks Ohara for her help and compliments her skills as a flutist, who states that her father taught her. Arven asks if she has a good relationship with her parents, but Ohara says that she really doesn't.
She remarks that she continued playing the flute because her Fuecoco stood by her side. After a moment of contemplation, Arven thanks Fuecoco for its help as well before he begins to leave.
Ohara hugs Fuecoco and begins running off the mountain, and a flashforward takes place to show her in front of a crowd at the concert.
Several students, including Nemona and Hohma, as well as Naranja Academy's many instructors, applaud Ohara for her performance. Fuecoco cheers her on backstage, and she breaks into tears of joy. The scene then flashes back to Ohara and Fuecoco leaving Glaseado Mountain as she remarks, "Let's get back to the academy!"
In the final shot of the episode, Ohara's bootprints are shown glimmering in the snow.
Where can fans watch Pokemon: Paldean Winds episode 2?
As a limited web series, Paldean Winds is accessible to all watchers via the official Pokemon YouTube channel. Unlike the Horizons series, which is currently restricted to Japanese broadcasts and third-party uploads with subtitles, Paldean Winds is available in English and Japanese audio.
So when will the second episode debut for Paldean Winds? Currently, there has been no announcement as to when episode 2 will be released. It's possible that episodes will arrive on a weekly basis, much like the Horizons and Path to the Peak series, but this has yet to be confirmed.
For watchers who want to catch episode 2 as soon as they can, it's advised to subscribe to the official YouTube channel and activate notifications. This way, when the second episode of Paldean Winds is uploaded, they will receive a push notification right away.
What lies in store for Ohara and her fellow students in the Paldea region? What more can be learned about the various new and returning characters? The only way to find out is to catch episode 2 when it debuts in earnest.
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