Pokemon: Paldean Winds is a limited animated series that follows the students of Paldea's Naranja Academy as they undertake assignments, learn about Pocket Monsters, and experience the grandeur of the region at large. The main characters develop their own personal goals and learn a few things about themselves and their relationships along the way.
On November 22, 2023, The Pokemon Company's official YouTube channel debuted the third episode of Pokemon: Paldean Winds. The episode centers on Hohma, the lovable, eccentric, and bookish friend of Ohara and Aliquis. As a member of Naranja Academy's news department, Hohma deduces a means of creating an insightful article on Team Star by infiltrating the group's ranks.
Recapping the events of Pokemon: Paldean Winds Episode 3 - Take a Breath
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At the outset of Pokemon: Paldean Winds Episode 3, Hohma discusses his article about Aliquis' three sequential losses to the Ace Trainer Nemona. The news department's other students don't believe Hohma's article focus would be particularly eye-catching for students. Meanwhile, one student suggests that the group should cover the renegade student group Team Star and their Caph Squad.
The Caph Squad is considered the battle-centered portion of Team Star, and if the news department can get a scoop on them, the school newspaper will fly off the shelves. Elsewhere, Aliquis apologizes to Ohara for lashing out in previous episodes of Pokemon: Paldean Winds. Ohara accepts the apology and states that Aliquis should really apologize to her Fuecoco.
Animosity is smoothed over, and Ohara/Aliquis return to their video project seen in Episode 1, which focuses on creating an introductory video for new students. Ohara posits that perhaps the group should place people in the video, and Hohma breaks out of his brainstorming to suggest that Team Star could be included.
Hohma then makes his way to one of Team Star's infamous bases. He's approached by a Team Star member named Carmen on her Cyclizar.
In an attempt to prove his professed wish to join Team Star, Hohma performs the group's star-shaped pose. Carmen brings Hohma to a tent and tells him not to move as she needs approval to bring him into the stronghold. When she walks away, Hohma and Quaxly peek inside the tent to find a Starmobile Varoom/Revavroom.
Hohma attempts to take pictures with his Rotom Phone of the team's "secret weapon" in the Starmobiles before he is discovered by Eri, Caph Squad's leader, as well as her Annhilape.
Carmen returns and reprimands Hohma, but Eri wishes to know more about the bookish Pokemon: Paldean Winds protagonist. She welcomes Hohma to the base and puts him through physical endurance training.
Hohma continues to attempt to integrate into Team Star and Caph Squad by practicing the team's signature pose, but he runs out of stamina. Eri tells him he'll have to start over, and as he begs for a break, Hohma's Quaxly evolves into Quaxwell. Unfortunately, the astonishing moment is cut short when a nearby Squawkabilly causes the Starmobile to go on a confused rampage.
Eri springs into action with Annihilape and dives onto the Revavroom, feeding the creature a Lum Berry to calm it down. Carmen tells Eri that she shouldn't have risked herself, but Eri replies that she does her best for her fellow Team Star members. Our Pokemon: Paldean Winds hero heads to a nearby cliff, sighing and being followed by Quaxwell.
Hohma realizes as he swipes through his pictures that Team Star isn't as insidious as they appear and is simply caring for its members. He deletes his pictures, lamenting that he's no closer to writing his story and is still nobody of significance.
However, Quaxwell breaks out into an elegant dance to cheer Hohma up, and he recalls when Quaxly could hardly dance at all but still tried to keep him happy.
Hohma thanks Quaxwell for cheering him up, and the two return to the academy, practicing their dance moves the entire way. Back at school, the Pokemon: Paldean Winds trio of Hohma, Aliquis, and Ohara reconvene and attempt to contact the Gym Leader Iono for their video project. However, Hohma suggests that the group create a viral video Iono would want to be a part of.
Hohma goes on to suggest that the Pokemon: Paldean Winds crew could invite many Paldean trainers for their video from all across the region, and maybe even Paldea's Elite Four.
Aliquis thinks that the Gym Leader Ryme's rapping skills would pair well with Ohara's musical skills in the school band. Ohara states that they have to continue showing the school and its learning curriculum as well.
Ohma states that the entire Paldea region is a learning opportunity, which Ohara agrees is part of the reason students are undertaking their Treasure Hunt for Naranja Academy in Pokemon: Paldean Winds. The group agrees that they should include the wide-sweeping Treasure Hunt and its participants in their video project and continue brainstorming well into the night.
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