Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: All Pokemon you can transfer from Pokémon HOME

An official screenshot from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (Image via The Pokemon Company)
An official screenshot from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (Image via The Pokemon Company)

With the latest update to Pokemon Home bringing the long-anticipated compatibility patch for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, numerous players are flooding the servers to send their beloved traveling companions to the new title. On the opposite side of the spectrum, there are other players who are picking up the previous titles to transfer them into the latest addition.


For players who are going into this new update without any spoilers, knowing what creatures can return in the latest Nintendo Switch game will make their preparations much easier. However, the only way the Pokemon Home application tells players which creatures can come to the Paldea region is through trial and error.

So, what creatures from other regions can players bring into their save files for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet? In a similar vein, there are bound to be certain creatures that are more valuable in the newest titles compared to others, thanks to the game's ranked battle mode.

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Every Pokemon Home transfer-exclusive creature in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Hisuian Zorua and Zoroark as seen in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (Image via The Pokemon Company)
Hisuian Zorua and Zoroark as seen in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (Image via The Pokemon Company)

There has been a massive 126 more Pokemon added to Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's Pokedex, thanks to the compatibility patch for the Home application. Given below is a list of every new creature added to the game:

  1. Charmander
  2. Charmeleon
  3. Charizard
  4. Articuno
  5. Zapdos
  6. Moltres
  7. Mew
  8. Mewtwo
  9. Cyndaquil
  10. Quilava
  11. Typhlosion
  12. Wooper
  13. Quagsire
  14. Kyogre
  15. Groudon
  16. Rayquaza
  17. Uxie
  18. Mesprit
  19. Azelf
  20. Dialga
  21. Palkia
  22. Origin Dialga
  23. Origin Palkia
  24. Heatran
  25. Giratina
  26. Origin Giratina
  27. Cresselia
  28. Arceus
  29. Hisuian Growlithe
  30. Hisuian Arcanine
  31. Hisuian Voltorb
  32. Hisuian Electrode
  33. Hisuian Qwilfish
  34. Hisuian Sneasel
  35. Hisuian Samurott
  36. Hisuian Lilligant
  37. White-Striped Basculin
  38. Hisuian Zorua
  39. Hisuian Zoroark
  40. Hisuian Braviary
  41. Hisuian Sliggoo
  42. Hisuian Goodra
  43. Hisuian Avalugg
  44. Hisuian Decidueye
  45. Wyrdeer
  46. Kleavor
  47. Ursaluna
  48. Basculegion
  49. Sneasler
  50. Overqwil
  51. Enamorus
  52. Oshawott
  53. Dewott
  54. Samurott
  55. Tornadus
  56. Thudurus
  57. Landorus
  58. Meloetta
  59. Chespin
  60. Quilladin
  61. Chesnaught
  62. Fennekin
  63. Braixen
  64. Delphox
  65. Froakie
  66. Frogadier
  67. Greninja
  68. Carbink
  69. Diancie
  70. Hoopa
  71. Volcanion
  72. Rowlet
  73. Dartrix
  74. Decidueye
  75. Magearna
  76. Grookey
  77. Thwackey
  78. Rillaboom
  79. Scorbunny
  80. Raboot
  81. Cinderace
  82. Sobble
  83. Drizzle
  84. Inteleon
  85. Perrserker
  86. Zacian
  87. Zamazenta
  88. Eternatus
  89. Kubfu
  90. Urshifu
  91. Zarude
  92. Regieleki
  93. Regidrago
  94. Glastrier
  95. Spectrier
  96. Clayrex
  97. Manaphy
  98. Phione
  99. Shaymin
  100. Darkrai
  101. Hisuian Typhlosion
  102. Kantonian Tauros
  103. Alolan Ninetales
  104. Alolan Vulpix
  105. Alolan Sandshrew
  106. Alolan Sandslash
  107. Alolan Grimer
  108. Alolan Muk
  109. Galarian Slowpoke
  110. Galarian Slowbro
  111. Galarian Slowking
  112. Galarian Meowth
  113. Galarian Weezing
  114. Galarian Zapdos
  115. Galarian Articuno
  116. Galarian Moltres
  117. Alolan Geodude
  118. Alolan Graveler
  119. Alolan Golem
  120. Alolan Meowth
  121. Alolan Persian
  122. Alolan Diglett
  123. Alolan Dugtrio
  124. Alolan Raichu
  125. Roaming Gimmighoul
  126. All Ash Hat Pikachus

As an observant trainer may notice, a majority of the creatures introduced to Pokemon Scarlet and Violet through this external application are Legendary Pokemon. This means that a majority of the creatures will be restricted to the Ubers tier of ranked play, meaning that they will most likely be seen in VGC rather than standard online battles.


What transfer-exclusive Pokemon are the best in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet?


Landorus Therian as seen in the anime (Image via The Pokemon Company)
Landorus Therian as seen in the anime (Image via The Pokemon Company)

Landorus in its Therian form has terrorized the metagame of the main series ever since its debut in the back-end of the fifth generation. With its introduction to Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, Landorus Therian could very well rise again. However, some creatures from the Paldea and Hisui regions could mark the end of its reign.


Landorus Therian's Intimidate ability, Ground and Flying typing, high stats, and great move pool makes it a great choice in both singles and doubles. However, the newest rendition of the meta seems to favor offense more than utility. With this in mind, Landorus is very much capable of falling from grace.


Ursaluna as seen in Pokemon Legends: Arceus (Image via The Pokemon Company)
Ursaluna as seen in Pokemon Legends: Arceus (Image via The Pokemon Company)

The battling community has its eyes on Ursaluna, thanks to the potential that the Peat Pokemon showed in Legends: Arceus. Ursaluna plays like a standard Normal-type sweeper, thanks to its Guts ability and access to Facade. Pair this with Ursaluna's bulky stat spread and players have one of the best Normal-types in the franchise.



Giratina as seen in the anime (Image via The Pokemon Company)
Giratina as seen in the anime (Image via The Pokemon Company)

Giratina's Altered form was just given a huge buff thanks to the split of its signature item. While the Griseous Orb was once the item that powered up Giratina and converted it to its Origin form, the conversion bonus was removed and put into the new Griseous Core item, leaving the strengthening effect in the orb.

This allows players to use Giratina's more defensive altered form while still receiving potent attacking power-ups. With this in mind, players should expect to see much more Giratina in the coming months.

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Edited by Atul S
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