A good Azumarill build is fantastic for the highest-starred Tera Raids, which are some of the hardest battles in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. That may surprise some because Azumarill's stats largely range from mediocre to outright terrible.
For example, a Base Attack of 50 is atrocious for a physical attacker, yet Azumarill is saved by its Huge Power Ability, which doubles its Attack stat. Combine that with a good build, and you can easily clear most Tera Raids with just this Pokemon.
Best Azumarill Tera Raid build in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

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Here is a basic build for Azumaril in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet:
- Ability: Huge Power
- Nature: Adamant
- EVs: 252 HP / 252 Attack / 4 Speed
- IVs: 31 HP / 31 Attack / 31 Defense / Sp. Atk doesn't matter / 31 Sp. Def / 31 Speed
- Moves: Belly Drum + Play Rough + Liquidation + Misty Terrain or Helping Hand
- Tera-Type: Water or Fairy
- Item: Leftovers or Lum Berry
Huge Power is by far the best Ability available to Azumarill. Doubling its Attack stat is something every physical attacker in the game would love to have. By comparison, Sap Sipper is too situational, and Thick Fat isn't helpful at all for quickly defeating Tera Raids.

An Adamant Nature increases one's Attack and decreases their Sp. Atk in return. Boosting Attack is excellent since, at Level 100, Azumarill has 218 Attack, which is then doubled to 436 thanks to Huge Power. The drawback of losing Sp. Atk is fine since you aren't running any Special Attacks here.
As for EVs, maxing out Attack is necessary to maximize damage output. The next-best option is HP since it makes Azumarill bulkier. Remember, fainted Pokemon can't attack for a few seconds in Scarlet and Violet's Tera Raids. Dump the remainder of EVs in anything but Sp. Atk, with Speed being the most popular option.
Sp. Atk IVs are insignificant here. Just max out everything else with Bottle Caps if you haven't done so already.

No individual Tera-type resists both Water and Fairy-type attacks, meaning Azumarill can significantly damage most Tera Raids. The main thing you should watch out for are the battles where the opponent has a super-effective move against it, in which you can opt to use something else instead.
That's why Liquidation and Play Rough, its two best Physical attacks, are integral to its build. Belly Drum is another popular move since you can get +6 Attack at the cost of half your health. That might seem like a lot, but that's why the aforementioned 252 HP EVs are nice since they keep Azumarill pretty bulky for a Tera Raid battle.

You have two options for the final move. Misty Terrain is useful for blocking status ailments and halving Dragon-type attacks for your teammates for five turns. Alternatively, Helping Hand allows your allies to hit harder in case Azumarill is burned.
A Water or Fairy Tera Type is ideal here. Remember, anything Terastallized into one of its default types receives bonus damage when using a move with that Tera Type in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
Regarding items, Leftovers gives you some passive recovery, which is nice since you most likely lost half your health to Belly Drum. Likewise, Lum Berry is a solid item for removing all status ailments in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
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