Iron Valiant might not be the first Paradox form one might think of for Tera Raids in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, but you can still build it to be excellent there. Essentially, one has to take advantage of its solid movepool and Drain Punch to help heal itself since healing is scarce in Tera Raids.
Note: This Pokemon is exclusive to Pokemon Violet. However, you can still get it via trade in Scarlet. This guide should otherwise work regardless of the game you have, so long as you actually have Iron Valiant.
How to build Iron Valiant for Tera Raids in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

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Here is a build for Iron Valiant:
- Ability: Quark Drive
- Nature: Adamant
- EVs: 252 HP / 252 Attack / 4 Def
- IVs: 31 HP / 31 Attack / 31 Defense / Sp. Atk doesn't matter / 31 Sp. Def / 31 Speed
- Moves: Drain Punch + Swords Dance + Spirit Break + Liquidation or Leaf Blade or Night Slash or Misty Terrain
- Tera-Type: Fighting
- Item: Booster Energy or Leftovers or Lum Berry
Longevity is an important aspect of Tera Raids in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Speed isn't much of an issue when it comes to these battles, which is why it's quite essential to maximize the critter's attacking stat and HP instead. The remaining four EVs can go to Defense or Sp. Defense, and it won't be too important which one you pick since it's just a single stat point.
Tera-Fighting helps make Drain Punch much stronger, which is the main move you might use in some Tera Raids. Its Base Power is mediocre, but its ability to heal up your fighters is excellent. On a related note, Swords Dance gives Iron Valiant +2 Attack, which boosts all of its Physical attacks in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

Using Swords Dance and then Drain Punch helps give some much-needed power while also boosting the amount of HP you get in return. Remember, Drain Punch scales off the damage you do to the enemy. Spirit Break is primarily a good Fairy STAB that also lowers the target's Sp. Attack by one stage.
Liquidation, Leaf Blade, and Night Slash are all just coverage moves in this Pokemon Scarlet and Violet build. Pick whatever you need against certain type-matchups.
Alternatively, Misty Terrain helps prevent you and your allies from being affected by status ailments, including Burn. The Burn status ailment cuts into the afflicted's Attack, something undesirable for most Physical attackers.
Here is a support build if you want something different out of Iron Valiant in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet:
- Ability: Quark Drive
- Nature: Adamant
- EVs: 252 HP / 252 Attack / 4 Def
- IVs: 31 HP / 31 Attack / 31 Defense / Sp. Atk doesn't matter / 31 Sp. Def / 31 Speed
- Moves: Drain Punch + Swords Dance + Reflect or Light Screen + Misty Terrain
- Tera-Type: Fighting
- Item: Light Clay Booster Energy or Leftovers or Lum Berry
It's largely the same set as before, except you can set up screens to protect your allies. Use Reflect if you plan to fight Physical Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet. Otherwise, Light Screen is good against Special foes. Some Trainers might even replace Misty Terrain with either Reflect or Light Screen to get both screens up.
That's the end of this Pokemon Scarlet and Violet build guide. Hopefully, you have an idea of how to set up Iron Valiant to help you on your Tera Raids.
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