The best teams for early, mid, and late games in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet will allow you to have an easier adventure in the Paldea region. The Gen IX titles have redefined what it means to progress through the in-game story in the long-running mainline series of the franchise.
Their open-ended structure allows trainers to complete tasks as they wish to and progress through three distinct story paths before reaching the narrative's conclusion. This is a welcome change and one that is the right direction overall for the series.
Be that as it may, players progressing through the Treasure Hunt of Paldea will still require a quality team of strong Pokemon. In this article, we will look at some of the best Pokemon Scarlet and Violet team recommendations for every stage of the game.
Note: This article is subjective and reflects the opinions of the writer
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Recommended teams for each stage of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's story
The early, mid, and late games of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet may be much more open-ended in comparison to previous titles, they exist all the same. While there's no perfect team to progress through the story, there are some that should keep players in great shape while progressing through the games.
Early Game

When players begin their treasure hunt through Paldea, they'll be pretty busy taking on gyms, defeating early Titan Pokemon, and knocking heads with the miscreants of Team Star.
There are many different Pocket Monsters that trainers can utilize during these early steps, but some will carry them farther than others. Players are always free to tweak this recommended team as needed, but this group should be able to meet and overcome many of Scarlet and Violet's early challenges:
- Starter (Fuecoco, Sprigatito, or Quaxly)
- Charcadet
- Paldean Wooper
- Rookidee
- Shinx
- Nacli or Magikarp
This team provides a great mix of elemental types, though players can always add and subtract creatures based on their preferences.
Magikarp is added to this team lineup for the sake of earning experience as a party member, as it is quite useless on its own before evolving.
Mid Game

As players begin to clear out gyms, defeat more Titans, and take out Team Star Bases, they'll also be able to explore the deeper reaches of Paldea. Alongside that, players will also get the opportunity to catch and train even more Pokemon, which opens up the possibility of formulating a battle team.
Just like before, the ultimate choice of Pocket Monsters to bring into battle depends on the player. However, these options certainly won't hurt to keep pushing into the late game and beyond:
- Starter (Floragato, Crocalor, Quaxwell)
- Armarouge or Ceruledge
- Corvisquire
- Gyarados or Naclstack
- Clodsire
- Annihilape
Players can keep their starter Pokemon on their side while evolving Charcadet into their respective version-exclusive evolution. Corvisquire has one evolution to go before reaching peak form. In the meantime, Gyarados and Annihilape can serve as powerful attackers.
However, if a trainer wants to air on the side of defense and high HP, they can opt for Clodsire, utilize Naclstack, or evolve their Corvisquire into Corviknight.
Late Game

As players progress into the late game, they will face the Elite Four of Paldea and the Pokemon League Champion. Trainers should also be defeating the final few Titan Pokemon and wrapping up Operation Starfall.
As players complete the final steps of each story, they'll be on a collision course with the Great Crater of Paldea's Area Zero. However, before they get that far, it's a good idea to expand on one's battle team to prepare for what lies ahead:
- Starter (Meowscarada, Quaquaval, Skeledirge)
- Palafin (for its Hero Form)
- Arcanine
- Gholdengo (if Pokemon trainers have collected 999 Gimmighoul Coins)
- Tyranitar
- Baxcalibur
As previously stated, trainers have the full freedom to mix and match with other Pocket Monsters as they please. However, many of the team members listed above rank as some of the best in either game. This is certainly worth keeping in mind to ensure players can clear the final hurdles on the way to completing the game's story.
However, once trainers get to Area Zero and complete the in-game story, all bets are off. Players will gain access to Paradox Pokemon found exclusively in Area Zero, and many of these creatures are huge improvements over species that can be found outside the Great Crater.
Trainers will also get their hands on the battle-ready form of either Koraidon or Miraidon. Once the story is completed and the post-game arrives, players will be able to form a team comprised of any Pokemon they want, as the badge constraints and area-level restrictions have been lifted.
Those looking for the best possible options for a casual playthrough should consider a team made up of Skeledirge, Gallade, Toedscruel, Cloyster, Toxtricity, and Dragonite.
Check out other articles on Pokemon Scarlet and Violet:
- How to shiny hunt in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
- Best starters for Scarlet and Violet
- Obedience level and badge requirements
- Indigo Disk BB Elite Four and Champion guide
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