The Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Fairy Primarina 7-star Tera Raid Battle rewards involve Fairy Tera Shard, TM122, Ability Patch, various Herba Mystica, and more. These are available to trainers who are able to defeat the Soloist Pokemon in the black crystal Tera Raid.
The Primarina 7-star Tera Raid Battle has two phases in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. The first runs from Friday, May 10, 2024, at 12 am UTC to Sunday, May 12, 2024, at 11:59 pm UTC. The final phase runs from Friday, May 17, 2024, at 12 am UTC to Sunday, May 19, 2024, at 11:59 pm UTC.
All Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Fairy Primarina 7-star Tera Raid item drops
Upon successfully completing Fairy Primarina 7-star Tera Raid Battles in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, players can get the following item drops:
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Base item drops
- EXP. Candy L
- EXP. Candy XL
- Calcium
- Fairy Tera Shard
- TM122 [Only once]
- Ability Patch [Only once]
Possible item drops
- EXP. Candy L
- EXP. Candy XL
- Rare Candy
- Calcium
- Star Piece
- Comet Shard
- Nugget
- Modest Mint
- PP Up
- Bottle Cap
- Fairy Tera Shard
- Ability Capsule
- Ability Patch
- Sweet Herba Mystica
- Salty Herba Mystica
- Sour Herba Mystica
- Bitter Herba Mystica
- Spicy Herba Mystica

Introduced back in Generation VII, Primarina is a dual-type Pocket Monster with a Water- and Fairy-type combination. It is the final form of Popplio, one of three first partner Alola Pokemon in Pokemon Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon. The latter can be evolved into Brionne at level 17 and then further to Primarina at level 34.
Given the Tera Raid Boss' type combination, Lapras and Tentacruel are two of the best counters to use in this fight. Players should keep in mind that they can catch Fairy Primarina only once per save data. Since the Soloist Pokemon isn't normally available in Paldea, trainers should not miss out on the ongoing event.
To participate in the ongoing 7-star Tera Raid event in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, players will need to have the latest version of the Poke Portal News. They can update it by going to Mystery Gift in the in-game X menu and hitting Check Poke Portal News.
Also Read: How to cook Shiny Dragon Sandwich in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
A paid Nintendo Switch Online membership is also required if trainers want to battle Primarina while banding with others over the internet.
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